Monday 24 February 2014

Review of the Schwarzkopf Live Colour

Hey lovelies! If you have been following me on Twitter or Facebook lately then you probably already know that late last year I decided I wanted to go back to being a blonde after going dark for almost a year. The thing is though, being a blonde comes with extra responsibilities like having to tone regularly.

I was unhappy with the colour my hairdresser did for me recently so I decided that I had to take matters into my own hands and do some at home toning. So I ventured into my local Priceline and picked up this little packet of toner - it only cost around $5.00 so I thought it was worth the risk.

Schwarzkopf live colour toner 8 wash hair non not permanent australian beauty review blog blogger aussie ausbeautyreview color care purple gold blonde shade silver

If you are not familiar with the Live Colours range, they come in a small box and inside you get a small sachel of hair colour. You get enough colour to cover short hair but if you have longer or thicker hair then you will need 2 packets. I understand that this is a semi-permanent hair colour and usually lasts around 6 to 8 washes.

Its funny that the Schwarzkopf Live Colour is actually the first hair colour that I ever used on my hair - (It brings me back to my high school days!) Since the other colours worked so well for me in the past, I had pretty high expectations for this product and had hoped that it would be a good toner. Unfortunately, this toner was not strong enough for my golden locks.

I could tell that it would not be the product for me as soon as I opened the packet and saw that the toner itself was a light purple colour. I need something stronger so a light coloured toner was never an option. I kept this product on my hair for the maximum time on the box and after washing it out, I did not notice any results whatsoever! I think that this would probably be a good toner if you don't need a lot of toning and just need to maintain your colour, otherwise I think this product is a no go.

Overall, given that the product only set me back around $5.00 I can't complain too much. It did make my hair feel softer after using it, but in terms of toning it was a poor performer.

If you are a blonde, what is your favorite toner to use on your hair? I am always looking for suggestions on products I should try. 

1 comment:

  1. The best toner shampoo that I've used (after years of searching) is Fudge Violet Toning shampoo. I use it every 2nd or 3rd wash and it leaves my hair without a hint of brassiness yet with no shade of blue/purple.


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