Friday 21 February 2014

Macadamia Oil Deep Repair Masque

Hi lovelies! I hope that you're having a great week so far. I am so excited because our wedding is coming up this weekend - wow how time flies! It feels like yesterday that we got engaged. Anyways, in preparation of the big day (or should I say days because I am having two weddings, one on Friday and one on Sunday!) I have needed to get my hair up to scratch so that it looks nice and pretty in the photos. As a result, my hairdresser recommended for me to try the Macadamia Oil deed repair masque to help improve the condition of my poor damaged locks in between salon visits.

Australian Beauty Review AusBeautyReview Blog Blogger macadamia oil deep repair masque treatment hair beautiful soft aussie dry damaged revitalising reconstructor conditioning silky smooth pretty aussie
If you guys have been following me on Twitter (you can follow me here if you don't already), you probably already know that earlier this year, I decided to go back to being blonde after a year of being dark haired. I really love the way lighter hair looks on me so that's what I want for my wedding. Unfortunately, the side effects of going lighter have taken their toll on my hair so my hair has become dry and brittle because of all the bleach. 

The Macadamia Oil hair masque has been a savior for my hair! Not only does this product smell amazing but it has dramatically improved the way my hair looks and feels. Even only after one use, it made my hair super soft, silky and more manageable. 

I use this product approximately twice a week because my hair is in such bad shape, once my hair recovers from all the damage then I will revert back to using it once a week. The masque itself is pretty thick but it is very easy to work with and distribute all over your hair. I use a small ball and apply that to the ends of my hair and then work my way up to the mid lengths (I don't apply it to my roots though). 

Overall, I really love this hair masque and would highly recommend it if you are looking for a quality hair treatment. I buy my Macadamia Oil products online as they are much cheaper then the hairdresser. A large 500ml tub of this product retails at around $58 on (the smaller 250ml tub retails at around $36).

What is your favorite hair treatment? Let me know about which one you recommend for me to try next.

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