Wednesday 26 February 2014

Review of the Rimmel Sexy Eyes Mascara

Hi lovelies! Today I thought I would talk about an oldie but a goodie - the Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara. I got this one whilst overseas a couple of months ago and have enjoyed using it lately. I remember this one being available in Australia a while ago but I am not sure if it still is so it might be worth checking out your local Priceline.

Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara australian beauty review blog blogger ausbeautyreview before after compare comparison drugstore affordable mascara black volume length eye lashes pretty beautiful pricelineRimmel Sexy Curves Mascara australian beauty review blog blogger ausbeautyreview before after compare comparison drugstore affordable mascara black volume length eye lashes pretty beautiful
This is one great little product, not only does it look really cute - reminds me of Christmas actually, but it works pretty well too.

The cool thing about it is the brush, the brush actually has curves in it as you can see in the picture above. The formula of this mascara is a bit on the dry side but it is still easy to work with.

The brush works well in reaching even the smallest lashes so there is no clumping at all. I find that this mascara is best for definition and lengthening your lashes but unlike the adverts, I don't think it gives you any volume at all.

I am a big fan of Rimmel mascaras and this one is no exception. It is a great little product, and great value for money since it retails for only around $14.00.

Do you like Rimmel mascaras? Which is your favorite Rimmel mascara?


  1. would this be close to clump crusher from cover girl. The look of your lashes is what i love about CG. I may have to check this out never used rimmel products before

  2. Hi! I remember you from youtube a long time ago!! :D It's great to see you blogging! I've always loved your opinion about products! Keep up the good work!!
    My youtube username used to be rubberduckchick :P Now I go by my real name :)

  3. rabbitwithfangs10 March 2014 at 15:59

    I loved this one (and it's predecessor, which came in a metallic purple package but was very similar) but I'm 95% sure it's been discontinued - which is a shame, cos I think it was Rimmel's best mascara by a long shot. Scandaleyes Retro Glam has the same 'peanut' shape brush, but I find the formula a little wet. My standard go-to is Maybelline's Define-a-lash, and I love the more recent L'Oreal Telescopic False Lash and Butterfly Lash. Two new winners from L'Oreal there!


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