Sunday 2 September 2012

The best product for your skin

Earlier this year I discovered a product that has solved all my skin issues and I have never looked back! Now you might be expecting for it to be a high end, expensive product but lucky for me, it is actually very affordable. This truly amazing product is simply Rose Hip Oil which you can purchase from your local Priceline or pharmacy.

The Rose Hip Oil that I have been using is by the brand Sukin and it retails for around $19.95. The product comes in a nicely sized 25ml glass bottle and also comes with a moisturiser sample.

Sukin is a brand I was not familiar with before purchasing this product but have become to love and now I look forward to trying out more of their products. Their Rose Hip Oil is certified organic and contains no harmful chemicals so it is fantastic for sensitive skin types. To top it all off, their products are Australian made and are not tested on animals.

Before using this product I used to have combination skin. My skin was sensitive, dry to normal around my cheek area and very oily around my t-zone. This product has helped restore the moisture where my skin needs it and has significantly reduced the oil production around my t-zone. I have also noticed that it has helped reduce the appearance of the fine lines on my forehead and eyes without the need to use expensive anti aging creams. I noticed these results around one month of using this product on a daily basis.

I apply a few drops of this product on my hands and rub it on my face at night before I go to bed and that is all that is needed to get fantastic results. I have also worn this product under makeup during the day and have found that it is quite light and does not cause my skin to be oily as long as I don't apply too much of it. 

Even though I absolutely love this product, it does have a pretty strong scent which is not the most pleasant. If you are sensitive to scented products then this product might not be suitable for you. Although, the scent is only present when you are applying the product from the bottle and you cannot smell it once it is absorbed into the skin. Once I got used to it, the scent of this product doesn't bother me too much any more and I prefer to have a product that does not contain perfumes as they can usually irritate my sensitive skin.

Overall, I could not be more pleased with the results that this product has given me and I absolutely love it. It has definitely become my holy grail skin care product. Whenever I run out of it and don't use it for a few days, I can really notice a difference and my skin is not the same without it. If you can deal with the scent then this is a product that I would highly recommend for you to try.


  1. Sukin RHO has made such a huge different to my skin too.  Rarely do I have break outs or any dryness to my skin (I've been using it for about two months now).  It's a must have product in my skin care routine now.

  2. I'm using this RHO at the moment and its funny because I didn't like it when I first used it in Summer earlier in the year, but LOVE it now (have been using it over winter)

  3. $20 for rose hip oil is such a good price. Heard so much about rose hip oil but too afraid to try in case of breakouts. I know everyone says it doesn't break you out but still... :P 
    Btw I've tagged you for the Liebster

  4. solarride rivernik15 January 2013 at 04:12

    heard good things about rose hip oil, what type is your skin ?


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