Thursday 30 August 2012

Holiday Haul

Hey beauties!

So, you might be wondering whatever happened to me for the past month or so since I haven't blogged or made any new videos. Don't worry, I didn't desert you guys without saying goodbye, but I did go on a bit of a long holiday. I had such a fantastic time and feel like time just flew by so fast. We went on an around the world trip, starting in Hawaii, then heading to New York, London and Frankfurt.

If you are from Australia, you probably are already well aware that prices here aren’t so wallet friendly so you can understand why I went a bit crazy at my favourite store in the entire world – S E P H O R A! In my short time in the U.S. I managed to make it up to VIB status – I don’t know if that is such a good thing, I think it means I spent a bit too much holiday money there. Either way, here is a haul of most of the beauty products I purchased in the US.

My main beauty splurge in the U.S. has to be my Clarisonic Plus. I have been saving up for one for ages and been waiting until this trip so that I can buy it in a cool colour rather than getting the plain white in Australia.

As I am back in Australia now, I am planning to do detailed product reviews for most of these products I purchased overseas. If there are any that you are particularly interested in seeing earlier rather than later, just let me know.

Thanks for sticking by me during my period of absence. I hope to be back to making regular content for you guys on this blog and my YouTube channel very soon.


  1. Ohh some fun looking goodies there! can't wait :) xx

  2. Welcome back! Your worldwide holiday sounds wonderful. Looking forward to your reviews on this amazing international haul :)

  3. I'm so insanely jealous right now! This is such an amazing haul & I can't wait to read your product reviews :)

    Stop by and check out my blog giveaway :)

  4. How exciting! So many lovely products :) I have never been to Sephora, and that's probably a good thing lol. I think I'd go wild if unleashed in one. 

  5. solarride rivernik24 January 2013 at 07:12

    Probably I will go crazy too if I  go to Sephora :D


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