Monday 3 September 2012

Best silver shampoo for blondes

As you guys know from my previous post on this topic, for years I have been searching for a product that will neutralize the golden tones in my hair. Well, I am happy to announce that my search has finally come to an end! Several months ago my hairdresser recommended for me to try the Matrix Solutionist So Silver shampoo and I have never looked back.

Old Packaging
Matrix so silver purple salon shampoo favorite best australian beauty review ausbeautyreview blog blogger honest blonde hair care colour color
New smaller packaging
This product is the darkest purple shampoo that I have discovered on the market. It is also so so strong that it will actually stain the grout of your tiles purple if you aren't careful when you are in the shower. For this same reason, this product has been perfect for my hair. No other product has been able to neutralize the stubborn golden and brassy tones in my hair like this Matrix shampoo. If you want platinum blonde locks, then this product is for you.

To show you how dark this product actually is, I even did a little comparison between the Natural Look Movie Tone Hues shampoo I reviewed previously and the Matrix Solutionist So Silver shampoo. As you can see, the Matrix shampoo is much darker and thus much more effective at doing its job. Even though the dark purple colour might seem intimidating at first, it washes out completely and does not stain your hair (unless you keep it on too long).

I use this shampoo every alternate time I wash my hair and it does an amazing job at keeping the golden tones away in between salon visits. It only takes around 3 washes in order to get noticeable results from this product.

Every time I use this shampoo, I leave it in my hair for at least 3 to 4 minutes depending on how much toning I need. Of course, if you do not have a lot of stubborn golden tones in your hair then I would not recommend that you keep this product in your hair for more than a minute or so because it will cause purple staining.

This product not only works wonders on your golden locks but it also smells great. I must say though, I find that it is pretty drying on my locks. For that reason I recommend that you use a good quality conditioner or even a hydrating hair mask afterwards.

Overall, I absolutely love using this product and it has become a staple in my weekly hair care routine. If you have a lot of unwanted, stubborn brassy or golden tones in your hair then I would highly recommend that you try this product. It is a bit on the pricey side, costing $15 for a small 300ml bottle but given the fantastic results, I think it is worth it.

Have you tried Matrix products? What do you think of them?

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