Thursday 6 September 2012

Nivea Q10 Plus Anti Wrinkle Tinted Day Cream Review

The Nivea Q10 plus anti wrinkle tinted day cream is the latest product I have been trying out.The reason that I was attracted to this product was because of its anti-agening properties and UVA and UVB filters.
According to the product packaging, it is a "tinted pigment moisturiser with a sheer finish to suit all skin tones."

This product comes in a cute 50ml bottle that is convenient to take on the go. It also has a runny, light formula so it gives a little bit of coverage but not as much as a BB cream. I think the formula is lovely and blends beautifully onto the skin.

There are several things I really like about this product, firstly it has a nice soft fragrance and it is also very moisturising, although I am not sure about how well it would go with oily skin. This product also has quite good staying power and lasts several hours without melting but the staying power can be significantly extended if you set the product with powder. 

The one, huge, downside to this product is the fact that it only comes in only one shade which is meant to suit everyone. For someone like me, who is very fair and relies on bottled tanners in order to get any trace of colour even during summer, this product is way too dark for me. When I apply it to my face it makes me look like a clown! Even though the product has a sheer finish, it still has colour pigments that really show on my fair skin.
All in all, I think that this product would be great if it came in more than ‘one shade fits all’. Other than the problem with the colour, I think this is a great product because it is moisturising and contains the essentials to fight against sun-induced premature aging such as UVA, UVB filters and SPF 15+.

Have you tried this product? What did you think of it?


  1. omg they have a tinted day cream???? i dont think thats available from where i am. huhu its so nice. like a bb cream! i wish to have one!

  2. This
    blog contains  the information regarding the
    anti wrinkle cream. It is a latest product which has anti ageing property and
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