Friday 7 September 2012

Nailpolish of the Week: Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Polish

If you are a beauty fanatic like myself, then you have probably already heard about the latest beauty craze to hit Australia - magnetic nail polish. I was always curious about how it would actually work and I must admit I have been very impressed with the results. This product is perfect for a busy girl like me because it makes creating nail art a breeze.

Colour: Electric Emerald
This product is so easy to use. All you need to do is apply one base coat of polish on the nails, then after that is dry, apply a second thicker coat. While you are waiting for the thicker coat to dry, carefully place the magnet as close as possible to your nail without touching it. Right before your eyes, you will watch plain nail polish transform into beautiful nail art.

The product comes with everything needed in order to create beautiful nail art at home. The packaging is innovative as well in that it provides a magnet on the lid of the product and has a little rest for your finger which assists you in getting very close to the wet nail polish.
Although the finger rest is a great design idea, I still found myself touching the magnet while trying to create the nail art, as can be seen from the below photo. I found that I got the best results when I got really close to the nail with the magnet and barely noticed anything if the magnet was further away. Although I did smudge a few of my nails, I could hardly notice it because the wavy effect created by the magnet camouflaged it.

The best thing about this product is the 3D wavy effects it creates on your nails, I even got a few compliments about how cool they looked. Even though you need to apply a thick layer of nail polish, this product has a quick drying time which is fantastic.The only downside to that is that it chips after a day or two. It is also relatively expensive in my opinion, retailing at $16.95.

Overall, I think this is a fantastic product and I love the fact that I was able to create nail art in just a few minutes. I never have time to be creative with my nails so this product provided a fresh change to my normal and plain manicure.

Have you tried magnetic nail polish? What did you think of it?

Disclaimer: The Sally Hansen magnetic nail polish was kindly sent to me to try as part of a product trial team. I was not paid for my review nor am I affiliated with Sally Hansen in any way. This review was my 100% honest opinion, as always :)


  1. I still haven't tried the magnetic nail polish trend (or shatter for that matter but that's mainly because the shatter effect just isn't my style) but I really want to I was eying this off the other day at target!

  2. I was lucky enough to win three of these on BH.  Love them.  They're so easy when you want something a little different.


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