Wednesday 5 September 2012

Urban Decay Melt Down Makeup Remover Review

The Urban Decay Melt Down makeup remover is a gel based makeup remover that is very different form my conventional Nivea liquid makeup remover that I am used to.

According to Urban Decay, this product "can take off Urban Decay's longest-lasting products, and it's good for your skin too. Sea Fan Extract combats inflammation, while beta carotene (a source of Vitamin A) and Gatuline In-Tense (harvested from the South African Rain Forest Peekabo plant) revitalize collagen production. Cranberry and raspberry seed oils, along with kukui nut and oat oil, moisturize and replenish.

Given that I am a beauty lover and all that fancy talk sounded very promising, I thought I would give this product a go. This product retails at $24 from Sephora and is probably the most expensive makeup remover I have ever purchased!

First of all, what drew me to this product was the packaging. I think it looks pretty cool and it comes in an easy to hold 75ml tube. This product also has a nice sweet smell which I love.

I have found that the best way to use this product is by applying a small ball onto a cotton pad and then pressing it on my eye for a few seconds before wiping away. It is a very creamy formula so it does not spread much, if at all. If you want to use this product to remove makeup from all over your face then this tube will not last long because you need more than one dollop for that.

This product works reasonably well to remove eye makeup but I can't say that it is the best that I have used. I feel like the liquid makeup removers do a much better job at removing all traces of makeup as compared to this thick gel formula. It takes a few goes in order to remove all traces of makeup using this product and to be honest, for the price tag, I expected better.

One thing I did like about the product is that it did not leave any sticky or oily residue on my skin. However, I still had to wash my face with water in order to remove the left over makeup that this product failed to remove.

Overall, I was disappointed with this product and feel that it did not work as well as I had hoped that it would and it was a bit too expensive as well.

Have you tried a gel formula makeup remover? What did you think of it?


  1. Great post, although a little disappointing for you, I am sure! 

  2. when i work with gel makeup removers, i almost always end up irritating my eyes :(

  3. Thanks for the review. A bit unfortunate that this product did not work as you would have liked it to. I will keep what you said in mind. 


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