Monday 16 June 2014

Review of the Nivea Pure & Natural Hand Cream

Hi everyone! Given that we are now well and truly into the chilly winter weather, I thought that it would be the perfect time to talk about a hand cream that I have been enjoying using lately.

I recall picking up this hand cream from my local Woolworths several weeks ago when they had a special on Nivea products but I am sure that you can get it anywhere that usually stocks Nivea. Since I have been making an effort to steer towards natural and organic products, so this product seemed to fit the bill perfectly. It is from Nivea's pure and natural range and according to the packaging, 95% of the product is derived from a natural source.

Nivea pure and natural hand cream australian beauty reveiw blog blogger aussie soft hands drugstore organic pretty beautiful skin smooth moistruiser moisturizer priceline argan oil
As you can see from the pictures above, this hand cream comes in a 75ml tube which is the perfect size to take in your handbag when you have dry hands - which is definitely something that I have been suffering lately so hence the need for this new hand cream!

Just like other Nivea products, this product has a lovely soft scent which is really pleasant and not overpowering at all. The cream is relatively thick so a little goes a long way with this product. I find that the cream absorbs instantly into the skin and does not leave that dreaded greasy residue.

I have been using this hand cream daily for over two weeks now and can confidently say that it has improved the state of my hands - they don't feel as dry and flaky as they used to before using this product.

Overall, I think that this is a great drugstore hand cream that does the job perfectly. It retails at around $4.39 at my local Priceline store.

Do you suffer dry hands during winter? What are your favorite products to help keep your hands in tip-top condition? Let me know below.

1 comment:

  1. I should try this. I went off a previous Nivea hand cream because it contained silicone but I notice this doesn't. Sounds like a good desk hand cream :)


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