Wednesday 18 June 2014

My thoughts on the Frank Coffee Body Scrub

Hi beauties! I hope that you are having a wonderful week so far, today I want to talk about a product which I am sure a lot of you have seen all over the social media lately - I know that my Instagram feed has been full of (modestly) naked beautiful people wearing Frank body scrub over the past few months. 

Frank is a company that I had never heard much about before Instagram - it seems that their funky marketing tactics have worked as they seem to already have quite a following on there. As usual, after seeing this on my Instagram and watching girls raving about it on Youtube, I was curious about this product and decided to take the plunge and order it. It only cost $14.95 (with free shipping in Australia) so I thought that it was worth the risk so I could do a review for you guys.

Australian beauty review Frank coffee body scrub oil natural cellulite healthy organic blog blogger aussie free shipping product value affordable bath shower healthy glowing beautiful skin care soft ingredients babe

I found ordering on the Frank website super simple and easy. They accept PayPal which is a huge plus - otherwise I would have been a bit skeptic about using my credit card details on an relatively unknown website. Anyways, shortly after paying for my order I received a confirmation email containing a thank you note and my order details. Approximately 3-4 days later I received my order, all nicely packed. 

I ordered the 'Original Coffee' body scrub but you can also buy the 'Coconut and Grapefruit' and the 'Cacao' body scrubs on the website (note that these cost a bit more than the original one). 

This body scrub comes in a well sized 200g resealable paper coated bag, which will last a good while before having to repurchase because you only need a handful of product each time you use it.

As soon as you open the bag, the coffee and orange scent hits you - it is so wonderfully refreshing! I personally love the scent of fresh coffee and citrus so this was a delight for me but if you are not a fan of coffee scent then keep that in mind.

I found that rubbing Frank into damp skin worked the best (if the skin is too dry then it feels a bit too rough and it just slides off wet skin) and found that I needed only one to one and a half handfuls of Frank in order to cover my entire body. A word of warning though - make sure that you do this somewhere where you can easily dispose of the product because it is super messy to apply and the coffee goes everywhere! I did it in the shower so I could wash the coffee off the tiles easily but I think that the bath tub could also work fine. 

After you apply Frank onto your skin, it is best to wait around 10 to 15 minutes for it to do its magic. It does get quite boring aimlessly standing in the shower for 10 minutes so I decided to put a hair treatment mask on my hair so that both my skin and hair were getting pampered at the same time. Given that it is winter, it is a bit tough to do since it does get a bit chilly after a while but it is well worth it because once you wash Frank off, your skin feels amazing! 
(Note that the Frank website contains a useful Frequently Asked Questions page which contains tips on how to get most out of the product.)

My skin has never felt so soft and smooth until I used Frank body scrub! I am in love! I have decided to incorporate Frank into my weekly skincare ritual on the weekends when I have time and feel that my skin is in need of some much needed attention. I think it would be perfect to use one day before applying fake tan in order to ensure flawless application.

Before trying Frank body scrub I had heard a lot about how good caffeine is for your skin but I had never actually tried it. I have to say that this has to be the best body scrub that I have used and it is actually made out of very simple ingredients - nothing nasty!

Overall, I absolutely love this product and can certainly see what all the hype is about. Rebecca Life has a great DIY coffee body scrub on her blog which you can check out if you are interested in making it yourself (I was lazy so I bought Frank but I hope to make my own one day because it would definitely save a lot of money!)

Have you tried Frank body scrub? What did you think of it?


  1. Ah this is good timing for me, I've just been um-ing and ah-ing about getting this and I think I will now, sounds like it worked a treat on you! They've really done a good job with the marketing over on Instagram, that's where I found out about it as well, my feed has been flooded with people covered in coffee granules ha x

  2. I absolutely love my Frank Scrub too.. the mess is not for the faint of heart but the scent is so amazing as a coffee lover it gives me an energy boost and feels so amazing on the skin!

  3. I've seen this scrub a lot recently and it sound really interesting, your review is sure useful! hope to buy some soon.


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