Thursday 15 August 2013

Mac Viva Glam Nicki Review

Hi everyone, hope that you are having a great week so far. Mine has been fabulous with this new job because even though I have been at this company for 3 days I know that I am going to love working here because the people are so lovely. Anyways, before I get sidetracked, today I wanted to do a quick review about one of my favorite products at the moment - the Mac Nicki Minaj Viva Glam lipstick. 
As you guys know, I only just got back from Europe a few days ago. The European summer was absolutely beautiful and also pretty hot, so I kept most of my makeup to a minimum. As I was not wearing as much makeup as I usually do, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to wear my beautifully bright pink lipstick.

I purchased it a week before I left for my holiday and did not wear it at all during that time! There is something about being on holiday that gives me the confidence to wear looks and colours that I would not normally wear at home - does that happen to anyone else too? I ended up wearing this lipstick pretty much every day that I was in Croatia cruising the Adriatic sea.

I love pretty much everything about this lipstick. It is has a satin finish so it is semi-matte (no shimmer whatsoever!). This is not a lipstick that you need to layer onto the lips as it is pretty opaque and it also applies evenly. It is a beautifully bright, vibrant and long lasting lipstick and that's why I love it. The only downside is that it is pretty drying on the lips so I highly recommend that you use a lip balm before or after applying this lipstick in order to restore the moisture of your lips.

The other great thing about this particular lipstick which I also love is the fact that it also stains your lips with a lovely flush of pink so even after the lipstick itself is long gone, you are still left with a lovely colour on your lips. 

When I purchased this lipstick, I never thought that It would be a colour that I would wear on a regular basis but I have grown to love it and hopefully will have the courage to wear it in Australia this summer and not just when I am on holidays. Just like other Mac lipsticks, this one retails at $36.00 and because it is Viva Glam, all the proceeds go towards a good cause.

What do you think of the Nicki Minaj lipstick? Is it too bright for you or would you rock it?


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