Monday 19 August 2013

Hydra-Oil Review

Hi everyone! Hope that you have had a wonderful Monday. Today I want to talk about Hydra-Oil which is a new product that I have been using for several weeks now. At first glance the packaging reminds me of Bio Oil but upon further investigation, they are different. 

According to the packaging, Hydra Oil is made up of a "combination of essential oils which assists in toning skin, removing dryness and keeping skin smooth and hydrated". It is also enriched with vitamins to help fight the signs of ageing. 

I have been applying this product once a day (generally at night) and have noticed that it has significantly improved the appearance of my skin. Within a few days it turned my dry, flaky skin into beautifully soft and supple skin. It worked especially well on my knees and elbows where my skin is the driest. I can't wait until summer so I can show off the results!

The best thing about this product is that it is fast absorbing and doesn't leave any greasy residue. It also didn't cause me any irritations and that is always a huge bonus for someone who has sensitive skin. I know that this product can also assist in diminishing the appearance of scars and stretch marks. I don't have any big scars but I do have a few stretch marks from when I suddenly went through a growth spurt during puberty so I did try the product on those. So far I have noticed that my skin is a lot softer however I haven't noticed any significant reduction after 3 weeks of use. I think perhaps after a few months of use then I might start seeing more noticeable results and I will keep you guys posted on how I go. 

Overall I think that this is a great product and a fantastic alternative to the hood old' Bio Oil especially because this one contains additional ingredients like argan oil. It is also much more affordable, prices start at $16.95 for a 60ml bottle and it is available from a range of shops including Woolworths. 

 Have you tried hydra oil? What did you think of it?

Disclaimer: These products were kindly sent to me for consideration to review. I was not paid for my review nor am I affiliated with the company in any way. My 100% honest opinion, as always :) Please read my blog disclosure policy for more information.


  1. My son and i have both tried Hydra-Oil spray and it is excellent for out skin, i have a very severe dust allergy and was scratching so bad i was bleeding i used this product all over and it stopped the itch and my rash was going away, now i can not find this anywhere and the rash and the itching are coming back

  2. It has lavender oil in it which is a bad irritant to the skin. I would stop putting that on your face.

  3. According to a pharmacist to went to because i was concerned about scars, he told me that products like BioOil has generally no effect on scars. It might take you more than a bottle or years to get effects from it which is just like waiting for it to fade naturally. there're other products which are more effective but i forgot their name but i think they're pharmacist cream/gel. It was a long time ago. However, he did mention that it is really good for moisturizing dry skin.


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