Friday 5 July 2013

Nail Polish of the week: OPI Matte Nail Envy

I have been suffering from weak nails lately and I blame it on the fact that I have been stressed whilst finishing up with my old job - I am officially unemployed now, yay! I am also flying off on holiday in Africa and Europe today which is very exciting but did add to the stress situation and therefore affected my nails during the past week.

During my week of being unemployed, I have been busy writing blog posts for you for the next few weeks so this blog should (hopefully) not be too quiet whilst I am away. Ofcourse I will try and do a few blog posts from overseas to share some of my experiences if you guys are interested in that then please let me know in the comments below.

Anyhow, before I get off track, today I wanted to talk about my favorite nail strengthener at the moment - OPI Nail Envy. I purchased it in a value pack with the matte and the original one together from my local beauty wholesaler for around $25.00. However, I have only used the matte one so that's why I am focusing on that one today.

If you use this nail polish according to the instructions you will notice a great improvement in your nails. I started to notice a difference after around 2 weeks of using this product. My nails don't break as easily as they used to which is exactly what I wanted from this product.

The matte finish is very natural on the nails and it looks like you aren't wearing nail polish at all. I actually like using this product as a base coat when I am wearing coloured nail polish because it not only helps strengthen my nails but it also protects them from staining which tends to happen when I wear red or dark coloured nail polish.

Overall, I have been loving using this product and will definitely continue to use it until my nails get their old strength back.

Do you suffer from weak nails? What do you do to combat the problem?


  1. I've never used this, I'm currently using the ORLY Nailtrition, but I'm not finding it great for stopping breakage. Might have to try this one!

  2. Its not big issue, last year I was suffered from this problem and then somebody suggested me Miami Beauty Salon...then they given to me best nail treatment. Now my nails are really wonderful.

  3. Hope you have a wonderful holiday! Liking this top coat, I use a Sally Hansen one, but this looks great with a matte finish. x


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