Friday 12 July 2013

Maybelline Mega Plush Volum Express Mascara

Hi beauties! Today I want to talk about the latest release by Maybelline, the Mega Plush Volum Express Mascara which also happens to have joined my favorites list within the few short weeks that I have been using it. If you haven't tried Maybelline mascaras or haven't used them in years, then you need to try them. Not only are they super affordable but they are also fantastic quality that just keeps getting better and better with each new mascara that they release. 

This mascara provides some stiff competition when it comes to drugstore products and it is not hard to see why when you look at the results in the above picture. My lashes are super short and nothing special usually so not every mascara can provide the results I need and more importantly, what I am happy with. 

The Mega Plush mascara ticks all the boxes for the features that I look for in a good quality mascara. Firstly, it has an awesome new formula is a mousse-gel so it is the perfect consistency straight out of the box - not too wet nor too dry. According to Maybelline, the formula also contains 40% less hard waxes and you can notice that when your lashes do not feel super 'crunchy' or hard whilst wearing it. 

Along with the formula the other important aspect of a good mascara is the wand or applicator brush. This one is relatively large as you can see from the picture above but don't let that fool you, the bristles are soft and they work beautifully in separating your lashes. Even though this mascara is marketed as volumising, I think it also provides a good deal of length as well.

As you can tell, I am very excited about this latest product to join my favorites list. There is nothing better than finding an affordable product that ticks all the boxes in terms of what you need in a product. This one does it for me - it provides length, volume, definition and it lasts all day without flaking or budging anywhere for that matter. It retails at $19.95 at my local Priceline although I did see that in their latest catalogue all Maybeline mascaras are on sale for $10 each until 15 July.

Have you tried this latest Maybelline mascara? What do you think of it?

Disclaimer: This Maybelline mascara was kindly sent to me for consideration to review as part of the MNY Crew. I was not paid for my review nor am I affiliated with the company in any way. My 100% honest opinion, as always :)


  1. This looks awesome!! I'm totally getting one!

  2. wow this looks great! i haven't tried much drugstore mascaras but i think that i might just pick this one up!

    My Blog: Caught in a Daze.

  3. so excited to try this, i bought it the other day :D


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