Friday 28 June 2013

Nails of the week

Hi ladies! As some of you might know if you have been following for a while, I work in a rather conservative industry so I can't usually experiment with my nails or makeup. Given that it is my last week at my current job (yay!), I have decided to be daring and have applied some nail polish strips that my sister gave me as a present a few months back. 

This is the first time that I have tried nail polish strips and I have to say that I have been impressed with how easy they are to apply. The instructions on the packaging are simple and very easy to follow. All you have to do is stick them on your nails and file away the excess. I found that cutting the excess with scissors before filing made the whole process much quicker and easier. It also took a bit of fiddling around when trying to get rid of air bubbles after gluing the strips on the nails, but once I got the hang of it I think it was pretty easy. As you can see from the pictures above, the results are pretty cool as well.

If you are like me and never have time to DIY nail art then this product is perfect for you! There is also no drying time so you don't need to wait around and can get on with doing what you need to.

I have only been wearing these for a couple of days now and so far, so good. Not sure how long they will last but I think that they are funky so I love them. 

Have you tried nail polish strips yet? What do you think of them?


  1. Kirsty Barrett28 June 2013 at 20:13

    they look fab

  2. So cute!! I just bought a bunch of nail decals!! Love your blog have just subscribed xoxo


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