Thursday 27 June 2013

My latest Mimco purchase

Hey beauties! Sorry about the lack of posts this week, our internet router blew up (literally!) so I have had no internet for the last few days. Having no internet access meant that my week was very quiet but a bit strange at the same time because I felt a bit cut off from the online world. Anyhoo, I am very happy to be back and share my latest Mimco purchase with you.

All the handbags that I own are rather large so I thought that this would be the perfect addition to my collection. Not only is it super cute but it was reasonably priced too. It only set me back $50, down from $190, so I think I got a good deal for it.

I have noticed that over the years, my handbag has been progressively getting heavier and heavier. I keep adding 'necessities' to it that I carry around with me everywhere but never use. This habit of carrying around a heavy handbag is starting to hurt my shoulders now so I think it was time that I downsized to something cute and compact like this little bag.

Now the only thing I have to do now is figure out how I can fit everything I need on a daily basis in such a small bag. This is going to be a challenge!

Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this quick fashion post.


  1. That's so gorgeous! Lucky thing :)

  2. Wow $50, that's amazing! It's gorgeous.


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