Monday 3 December 2012

Nivea Straight & Easy Balm

Today I thought I would do a quick review of a great product I purchased whilst in Europe a couple of months ago. It is actually a hair product by Nivea! 

I had no idea that Nivea made hair products until I went overseas. It also turns out that they sell makeup as well and you can buy Nivea eye shadows and lipsticks. In my part of the world, Nivea only make skin care products and that's it.

Even though I can't understand the product description at the back, I purchased this product because I needed something to help control frizz and this one looked like it would do the job. Luckily for me this product was affordable and works well. 

The product comes in a cute blue bottle and a generous amount of product which lasts a good while. It has a cloudy white, gel consistency which is easy to work with. However, a little goes a long way with this product and if you apply too much it will make your hair greasy very quickly.

I tend to apply this product to the ends of my damp, towel dried hair. I then use a wide tooth brush to distribute the product on my hair before using a large round brush to dry with a hairdryer. I find that using this product straightens my hair with a hairdryer and without the need of a straightener and it helps avoid frizz. 

Overall, I think that this was a great impulse purchase even though I still don't know all the things it can do.

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