Sunday 2 December 2012

Happy December

Hey everyone!

I feel like it has been forever since I have been on here and so much was happening in my life that I simply did not have time to blog or even make a single You Tube video. These are the things I love to do but as you know all too well, sometimes it is hard to juggle everything and some things have to take a back seat for a while (like my poor little blog).

While I was away from blogging and You Tube, so many things happened - the two big ones being that I became a first home owner of a little townhouse in the city and I got engaged! So hopefully now that things are slowing down towards the end of the year, I hope to get back into doing the things I love, like doing product reviews for you guys and hopefully making a few videos here and there.

What have you guys been up to while I was away?


  1. Congrats on your townhouse purchase and your engagement! Very exciting times :)

  2. Congrats!!!! How exciting! My hubby and I recently bought our house and it's so stressful!!! 


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as I often reply :) If you wish to ask me anything inparticular and want to guartuntee a quicker response then you can always tweet me (@Billi_Lilli) and send me an email! Thank you for all of your support xx