Tuesday 25 September 2012

Review of the QV Face Rescue Gel

Today I thought I would do a review about an great product I have discovered. It all started a couple of weeks ago when I woke up in the morning to find my face all red and bumpy. It was such an uncomfortable and not to mention unsightly allergic reaction to a new face cream I was using. The QV Face Rescue Gel was a welcome addition to my daily face routine and I feel that it helped me though these very uncomfortable couple of weeks.

I feel that this product really helped ease the discomfort I was feeling while my skin was so inflamed. The product comes in a good sized 30ml bottle with a convenient pump dispenser.

The product itself is a very light gel formula which absorbs easily into the skin. It gives a lovely cool and soothing feeling when applied to the skin. The only negative thing about this product is the scent, it has a slight chemical-like scent which is not the best but it is not overpowering nor is it too strong. 

Overall, I didn't really notice that this product significantly helped relieve the symptoms of my inflamed skin. However it did make a big difference to the way my skin felt and made it feel much more comfortable while being slightly moisturising as well. It also comes at a reasonable price of $19.95 and is available at your local Priceline, on this basis I would highly recommend it.

What products have helped you with an allergic reaction?


  1. I hate allergic reactions!! I have never tried this product, but I usually get an anti-histamine from the chemist, and them use a very gentle moisturiser like Simple. But I might try this one next time. I do recommend getting the anti-histamine though - it really helps reduce the inflammation. x

  2. Thanks for your comment Chels. Yea I did take your advice and used the anti-histamine cream. It really helped after a few days of use :) This product just helped ease the discomfort rather than do anything to reduce the inflammation.

  3. Thanks for your comment Chels. Yea I did take your advice and used the
    anti-histamine cream. It really helped after a few days of use :) This
    product just helped ease the discomfort rather than do anything to
    reduce the inflammation.

  4. hello, i've got this and questioned, why does it glitter? it seems minute particles.. sliver glitter. i looked for reviews of it but no one mentioned about it.
    did it have minute particles when u used it?! thanks


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