Wednesday 26 September 2012

Review of the Lucas Paw Paw Ointment

Today I thought I would do a review about a great all purpose kind of product - the Lucas Paw Paw Ointment. I picked up this product at the beginning of winter earlier this year after my sister recommended it to help mend my dry lips.

As you can see from the product description below, this is not a lip balm but is an all purpose product that can be used on all kinds of skin issues. I found that applying this product once a day really helped improve the condition of my lips during the cold winter months. I also really like using this product on the flaking skin around my nails.

This product comes in a generously sized 25g tube that lasts ages so it is pretty good value for money retailing at around $4.99. The product itself comes out as a white clear jelly that has a lumpy kind of consistency. It also does not have any overpowering scent which is always a positive thing in my opinion.

The other thing I was going to mention that I really liked about this product is that it is made out of natural ingredients. However, I have found articles on the internet that indicated that this product is actually made out of plain old petroleum jelly rather than just paw paw. After a bit of investigation, their website confirms that this product does actually contain "pharmaceutical grade petroleum jelly" which is apparently safe to use. However, on the product homepage it states that the product is "made in Australia from pure Australian paw paws" which I feel is a bit misleading. In all honesty I feel disappointed that the petroleum jelly ingredient is not disclosed on the product packaging because I probably would not have purchased this product if I had known that.

Overall, ignoring the fact that I am no longer convinced that this product is 'natural', I actually enjoyed using this product and found that it worked really well for what I needed it for.

Have you used Lucas Paw Paw ointment and what do you think about the packaging disclosing that the only ingredient is paw paw and a small amount of preservative?


  1. I am sure I saw a tube or jar a couple of years ago that listed petroleum jelly or petrolatum as the first ingredient, I was disappointed and stopped buying it for that reason. There are other pawpaw ointments out there now for a similar price that are what they say they are, not overpriced Vaseline. Having said that, the Lucas ointment does work well, whatever it's made of :)

  2. I love this! It is the most versatile product and i use it all the time for my baby girl too! great review :)

  3. I really like Lucas Papaw Ointment but I really hate the idea that it actually is made from petroleum jelly. The reason why I got it was because I believed it was free from petroleum jelly.  :/

  4. love the lucas paw paw ointment! new follower here! xx


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