Thursday 24 May 2012

The bare face challenge

Last week when I was patiently waiting for my hairdresser to do my hair, I was reading an old edition of the Cleo magazine which had an interesting article in it about a girl who couldn't go a day without a full face of makeup. So what the Cleo team did was challenge her to go out every Monday for 4 weeks without a trace of makeup. The article talked about the girl's struggle to stick to the challenge and the pressure of society for us to appear flawless.

This story got me thinking about whether I would be able to go to work and out on a date without any makeup. I remember when I was 14 years old and I had to build up the confidence to wear blush to school and now I can't go a day without applying it. So I decided to try the bare face challenge.

I decided to start this challenge last week and so far have been able to stick to it. Although, I must admit that it was hard. At the beginning, on the days I didn't wear any makeup I didn't feel as pretty and as confident as I do when I wear makeup. It's funny how something so trivial can make a difference to your confidence and how you feel in general.

Last week, I went to work twice without makeup. One of those days I had a meeting with an important client and during the meeting I felt uncomfortable because I didn't look my best. This week I went 3 days of being bare faced. I think that now, I am finally getting used to the way I look naturally. I have noticed that even though at the beginning I felt different when I didn't wear makeup, the people around me were still the same. My friends were still, friends and my boyfriend was impressed with how little time it took for me to get ready in the morning - which is probably not such a bad thing! One thing that did get me down though was when a family friend asked me whether I was sick because I looked so pale.

Magazines portray airbrushed celebrities looking flawless and in turn we put pressure on on ourselves to look 'perfect'. Sometimes it is nice to give your skin a break and let it breathe. I felt refreshed after a day of no makeup and I think that I'm going to continue going makeup-free at least once a week.

This little challenge has been a fun experience for me and I am glad I gave it a go. I have learnt to be comfortable with the way I look and those little freckles on my nose aren't that bad after all, so I don't always need to cover them up.

Have you gone out in public without makeup? What was your experience?

Thank you for taking the time to read my little blog. If you enjoyed reading this post please feel free to vote for me in the Australian BlogStar Awards by clicking on the image below. This entry is listed in the 'Best New Blog' category.

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  1. I admire you're bravery and you're naturally gorgeous! Since being a regular makeup user, I only go in public without makeup if it's a late night maccas or woolies run, or if im sick going to the doctors.

  2. How naturally gorgeous are you!! x

  3. You're gorgeous with no makeup :) I often go out with no makeup, whether it be to uni or the shops. As I work in the beauty industry I kind of have to wear it to work, but I love going bare! :)

  4. You're so naturally gorgeous!! (and brave!) Hehe.


  5. Good on you for taking up this challenge, very brave!
    You are very pretty without make-up but I understand your reservation, I feel a little undressed without it and usually have something on my face even if it's tinted moisturiser.

  6. You're gorgeous without make up! I do understand how you feel though, I think we all feel more confident with make up on, and I think you're very brave for having done that! I just can't, but that's also because my skin has been driving me insane lately.

  7. I always get told i look pale without make up :( it sucks! i quite often go down the shops without make up, im quite used to it now :)

    you look really nice without make up :)

  8. Great post and love the idea. You bring up some interesting points about the pressure we face to look 'perfect'. My husband is the only person who sees me make up free!! I feel I can't survive my day without it. However, I think if I gave this challenge a try, I might feel more confident. Thanks!

  9. I'm actually the opposite. I have to assign myself "makeup days" because 1) I don't have the time, 2) I am lazy, 3) I don't mind the way I look without makeup! :) Absolutely love that you gave this a go. You're beautiful with or without makeup because beauty comes from within.

  10. Well done for giving this a go!
    I know many people who would never leave the house makeup free, then there are other people I know who only wear makeup on special occasions.

    But I am somewhere in between I wear makeup nearly everyday to work but I hardly ever wear any on weekends :)

  11. PS- Big congratulations for making the ABA shortlist! :)

  12. You have gorgeous skin!
    Congrats on being shortlisted in the Beauty Heaven Blogstar Awards! :)

  13. Wow I would never be able to do that challenge... interesting how a year ago I was!
    You look gorgeous even without makeup, hun! :)

  14. Michelle Teixeira30 May 2012 at 15:55

    I definitely go without makeup more often than I used to. My old work would criticise me for going bare though. I am quite olive skin toned and when I don't have a tan, I always get to hear "are you sick?, are you feeling well?". I just say I am fine and try not to show that I am annoyed with them. I have quite nice skin and I have plenty of confidence to go bare.

  15. I always go out without make up to the shops, but it would be different if I was to go to work without make up because I wouldn't be as confident. You have beautiful natural skin by the way!

  16. Yea I never thought I could go to work without makeup but I'm glad I built up the courage to do it :) Thanks for reading

  17.  Thanks so much :)

  18. Thank you! I can't believe this post was shortlisted. Although, if I had known that my fellow BH friends would be reading this then I probably would have included a more flattering photo of myself haha

  19.  Thank you :)

  20. Let us know how you go if you decide to give it a shot :)

  21. You're gorgeous without makeup sweetheart! Your skin is to die for :) Could you do a review on the Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundations?


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