Friday 25 May 2012

Kookai Maxi Dress

The other week I went to a formal function and wore my favorite Kookai maxi dress. This is the same dress on which I made a fashion video on my YouTube channel a while ago and since I don't get to wear it very often I thought I would do a quick blog post on it. 

One down side about beautiful formal dresses is that it is hard to get a lot of wear out of them because once your friends have seen it, you can't really wear it again on the next special occasion - that is unless the function is with a different group of people, then you can easily wear the same dress again.

I hope to have a lot more fashion videos and blog posts so stay tuned.


  1. The dress is gorgeous! I have a dress that I could wear over and over and I always get compliments on it. :) X

  2. The dress is soooo beautiful! I love maxi dresses. 


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