Friday 27 March 2015

Review of the Modelco Buffing Mitt

Lucky for me, gone are the days when I used to apply fake tan with my bare hands. Without fail, I would always end up with hands which were at least 10 shades darker than my body! I then resorted to using disposable gloves, which worked well most of the time but every now and then I would end up with streaks.

It wasn't until some time later that I finally decided to give tanning mitts a go - at first I just didn't believe that they would be any better than the disposable gloves, but I am glad that I was wrong.

Modelco buffing blend mitt tanning fake self home diy australian beauty review ausbeautyreview blog blogger aussie priceline drugstore best Since delving into the world of buffing mitts, I have now tried my fare share of them. One that I constantly keep going back to is the Modelco one because I find that it lasts much longer than other ones that I have tried.

The only problem that I have with the Modelco one is that I often have to manually stitch the sides together because my fingers start peeping through them after just one use. These buffing mitts are supposed to be reusable so having it break after just one use is not worth it for me so I have had to resort to ways of making it last longer.

I find that tanning mitts do an amazing job in blending the tan evenly onto your skin, therefore helping you get the best results possible from whatever tan you are using. This buffing mitt does not come pre-soaked in tanning product so you can use it with whatever you want (and that also means that you need to buy tanner!).

I like the fact that the sponge on the Modelco buffing mitt does not fall off, therefore leaving you a clean finish every time. 

Overall, I think that this is a great little product and a must for ensuring that you always end up with a streak free tan. It retails at around $13.99 at my local Priceline (but I have noticed that they have it on sale for half price at the moment!)

What is your secret weapon when it comes to tanning?

1 comment:

  1. This mitt sounds good but I don't know if I could be bothered to manually sew it up. Hopefully ModelCo will make them sturdier in the future.


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