Friday 1 August 2014

Review of the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

Hi beauties! I cannot believe it is already August, where has the time gone? It has definitely been a great year so far, with lots of great products released as well.

One such (relatively) new release is the Micellar Cleansing Water by Garnier. I am sure that a lot of you are familiar with the famous Bioderma Cleansing Water that started the trend in the first place, but it is a bit too expensive for my liking - so it is good to have alternatives available for those of us who are on a budget. 

Just in case you are not familiar with these products, they are made out of water solution that contains ingredients that break up makeup (that's what I understand anyways!). I guess that it is a fancy name for makeup remover but unlike traditional makeup removers that contain harsh chemicals, micellar water is gentle on your skin but effective.
australian beauty review blog blogger aussie ausbeautyreview garnier micellar cleansing water makeup remover sooth all in one multi purpose product drugstore perfume free naturals face bblogger gentleThere has been much hype around the Garnier Micellar Cleansing water and after using this product for a couple of months, I can see why.

Firstly, the packaging of the Garnier one is super generous - it comes in a huge 400ml bottle! That's definitely awesome value for money since it will last you ages and retails at only $11.99 (and a mere fraction of the Bioderma one I might add).  According to the bottle, you  can get 200 uses out of it!

The pink lid of the bottle makes dispensing the product super easy and since it has a small opening, you don't have to worry about spilling too much product onto your cotton pad.

I love using this product to remove all my makeup before doing a proper cleanse with a face cloth. There is no rubbing required as the micellar cleansing solution melts all the makeup away in a matter of seconds whilst being very gentle on the skin. Although, given that I tend to buy really small cotton pads, I find that I have to use a lot of them in order to remove a full face of makeup, so that can be a bit time consuming. I think that once I get some better quality cotton pads then it will make using this product much easier and more efficient.

I like the fact that it doesn't have any fragrance and leaves my skin looking fresh and dewy afterwards. 

Overall, I really like this Garnier micellar cleansing water because it does a great job at removing all my makeup without the need to scrub. If you are looking for a gentle, yet effective makeup remover then I highly recommend you try this one.

Have you tried this micellar cleansing water? What do you think of it?


  1. I want to try this so badly but we don't have it in Canada, so I'm hoping one day that it comes here. It sounds like an amazing product and want to try it so badly

  2. The Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water has become one of my favourite budget beauty buys. It's so gentle on my sensitive skin and removes my makeup effortlessly ready for a deep cleanse. I tell everyone I can how wonderful this product is.

  3. One for the win! Will check this out as a cheap alternative to some of the removers I've been using.

  4. I love the Garnier Micellar Water but I think Bioderma just tips it for me. I think it does just a slightly better job at removing makeup and leaves absolutely no residue. Sometimes I feel the Garnier version leaves a very very slight residue. You're right though the Garnier one is much better value for money. Both are great products.

  5. Jacqueline Joyce1 August 2014 at 22:32

    I am SOOO glad you have done a review on this product!! I have been eyeing it off for the past couple of months every time i pop into the drug store but didn't want to commit to the buy in case it broke me out. I have used bioderma and actually got great results, it also helped a lot with my acne scaring at the time. I will give this product a try and give a review on scaring benefits as I think that is so important when it comes to the bioderma!!

    Thanks again :)

    Jacqueline xx


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