Wednesday 25 June 2014

Best budget friendly mascara

Hi Beauties! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend - mine was filled with meetings and some fun market research but all in all it went by too fast! Anyways, today I am back with another super affordable product review. I don't know why, but I get really excited when I discover a beauty buy that does not break the budget especially since we are currently saving up hard for our honeymoon so every cent counts at the moment.

The Jordana Best Lash Extreme Volumising Mascara has to be, hands down, one of the best mascaras that I have used - that includes high end mascaras that cost 10 times the price! You guys know I don't say things like that about just any old product so this is a big deal in beauty terms.

Jordana Best Lash Extreme Volumizing Mascara australian beauty reveiw ausbeautyreview blog blogger affordable budget black long lashes beautiful eyes best drugstore makeup cosmetics ebay beautyjoint 301 black
I first found out about this mascara from one of Lauren Curtis' old YouTube videos (back when she first started). She used it in one of her tutorials and raved about this particular mascara so naturally I had to get it - because, lets face it, who does not want to have insanely long lashes like Lauren?

As you can see from the pictures above, this product comes in a simple black tube with pink writing - but don't let that fool you.

The wand of this mascara is also pretty basic, nothing special there either (that's why I didn't take a picture of it, because it looks like any old mascara wand).

I think that the thing that makes this mascara spectacular is the formula. From the first time that you open it up, it has the perfect consistency (you know what I mean, not too wet, but not too dry either) and it just glides onto the lashes picking up each and every one of them and instantly giving even the smallest lashes beautiful length and volume. 

I have included a 'before and after' picture below to show you what I am talking about. I have naturally short lashes so I am always searching for a mascara that adds length above all else. This one adds volume and length which is an added bonus.
Jordana Best Lash Extreme Volumizing Mascara australian beauty reveiw ausbeautyreview blog blogger affordable budget black long lashes beautiful eyes best drugstore makeup cosmetics ebay beautyjoint before after compare

This little gem of a mascara, lasts all day without budging so you don't need to worry about looking like a panda at the end of the day. I did notice that it rubbed off on my brow bone when I did not wear eye shadow but this was only on hot summer days. Other than that, there is nothing negative I can say about this product.

Unfortunately, Jordana is not a brand that is readily available (if at all!) in Australia so I ordered mine on BeautyJoint where it costs a mere $4.23 a pop (plus shipping of-course). With a price that low, how can you resist? 

If you are looking for an awesome mascara that won't break the budget but works just as well (if not better!) than high end mascaras, then I highly recommend that you give the Jordana Best Lash Volume Extreme Mascara a try. If only it would be readily available in Australia then my world would be complete!

Have you tried any Jordana products? What do you think of them?


  1. this mascara looks amazing on your eye lashes.. will defiantly have to try this out

  2. wow I can't believe how affordable this is!! Kind of annoyed I just replenished my mascara will be trying this one next xx

  3. I do like this one, but it gets really flakey on my eyelashes and tends to go everywhere all day! I like the way it looks though! X

  4. That mascara looks really good! and so cheap +.+.. Great review <3


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