Monday 9 June 2014

Affordable lipstick storage

Hi beauties! If you are like me and love to display your makeup collection but don't want to spend a fortune on expensive storage products then today's review is for you! I was in Target the other week and noticed that they have a nifty (albeit small) collection of beauty storage products at very affordable prices - this little lipstick organiser set me back about $7.00 (which is half the price then what they cost at Howard's Storage World).

australian beauty review makeup storage cosmetics lipstick affordable budget target ausbeautyreview blog blogger aussie cheap holder acrylic clear plastic mac
This particular lipstick organiser is made out of clear acrylic and beautifully displays nine lipsticks. It is the perfect size as it does not take too much space in my bathroom but holds all my favorite lipsticks within reach. 

Even though this product is very affordable, it does not feel or look cheap - it is made out of normal acrylic which looks pleasing on the eye.

Target is starting to stock some great products these days so I really recommend checking out their home-wares section regularly as these cool little products tend to sell out quickly.

Have you discovered any other affordable but cool maekup storage products? I would love to hear your recommendations.


  1. That's a bargain! - even cheaper than the Priceline version I bought which is $10.
    I like yours better though as the Priceline one is level whereas this one 'steps up' which I think would make it easier to pull lipsticks from the middle without having everything fall over (like mine does... grrr!)

  2. I get all mine from The Reject Shop. They're so cheap there :)

  3. Rosy Disposition21 August 2014 at 18:35

    I only have one from Priceline but it isn't tiered. Do they have other acrylic makeup storage things at Target? I will have to look next time I am in there. Makeup always looks so much better in these cute displays.


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