Wednesday 23 April 2014

Schick Hydro Silk Razor Review

Hi beauties! I hope that you had a great Easter and an awesome short work week. Today I am back with a new review for you, I will be talking about the Schick Hydro Silk Razor. This awesome product hit supermarket shelves earlier this year and I have been a huge fan ever since!

Schick Hydro Silk Razor Australian Beauty Review Blog Blogger Aussie honest hair free soft skin body drugstore blades
It's not really every day that a simple razor blows you away with how well it works. Actually, to be honest, I have always tried to move away from using a razor and have in turn tried my fair share of hair removal products over the years (and have built up quite a collection that I need to clear out), but no matter how hard I try, I always end up going back! Nothing can beat the convenience of being able to get rid of that unwanted hair in a flash. However, there is always that downside of having rough legs the day after!

After seeing the Schick Hydro Silk Razor advertised in local magazines I decided to give it a go. After all, it promised a smoother, longer lasting shave than your conventional razor.

According to the packaging, what sets this razor apart from others is the fact that it has 5 blades and moisturising serum built in. I have to say that I have been impressed, this razor gives the closest shave and leaves my legs silky smooth straight afterwards. 

It is so easy to use in the shower and it glides over the skin so easily that I have had no cuts from it. The smooth shave lasts much longer than my conventional razor where I would feel the hair growing back the next day. When I use this razor I don't need to shave every day as it leaves my legs hair free for up to three days! 

Overall, I have been really impressed with this product and needless to say, it has become a must in my beauty routine in winter and especially when I am in a rush.

This product retails at $14.95 at my local Priceline (and a four pack of refill blades retail at $19.95).

What is your favorite hair removal product?

1 comment:

  1. I've heard such great things about this razor, I definitely want to try it! Mine is getting so grotty and disgusting.

    Sheri | Behind The Frames


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