Friday 7 March 2014

Review of the Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask

Hi beauties! Today I want to talk about a product that has been a savior for my hair in preparation of my big day the other week - the Morroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask. 

I have been putting my hair through hell during my wedding preparations because as you can understand, I wanted it to look perfect for my big day. Unfortunately for me, my hairdresser made a mistake and over bleached a whole front section of my hair a week before my wedding! Not only did it freak me out but it was extremely damaging and then she expected for me to pay her in full for a blotchy job! Needless to say, I won't be returning to her any time soon. Either way, all the hair colouring and bleaching was not doing any favors for the condition of my hair so I needed a product to help whip it into shape fast.

Moroccan Oil Hair Mask hydrating salon soft beautiful australian beauty review ausbeautyreview blog blogger aussie favorite product honest intense deep conditioning improve texture appearance (1)
I found that this hair treatment did wonders for my hair - my poor damaged locks felt much softer and more manageable after having this mask on for only 10 minutes.

The product itself is relatively thick but it is easy to distribute on the hair and smells great too! I find that the scent actually lingers in the hair for a while which is great. 

I used this product every second day in order to try repair my hair as much as possible before my wedding. However, otherwise I would usually recommend that you use it once or twice a week depending on the condition of your locks. I think that a 250ml jar will last a good while because you only need a 20 cent piece to distribute over thick hair and if you have fine hair, then you need even less product.

Overall, I think that this is a great overall treatment to incorporate as part of your weekly hair routine. I am a big fan of hair masks/treatments as they tend to give the much needed moisture back into my hair and I have not yet tried a hair mask that was too rich for my hair. 

What is your favorite hair treatment? I would love to hear your recommendations on one I should try next.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I hate it when hairdressers are that horrible! You poor thing, I hope they at least gave you a discount! Main reason I rarely go to them anymore haha.
    Thanks for the review on the mask. I've been trying to figure out if it's worth the money! When you say that you only use a 20c piece, do you mean on wet or dry hair? I have the Organix version of this mask and have only used it a couple of times. Each time using 3 times as much as you recommend, on dry hair.
    Paris x


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