Wednesday 19 March 2014

Manhattan multi effect eyeshadown review

Hi beauties, today I thought I would talk about a brand that I discovered whist overseas in Germany last year. I went into the store DM and quickly realised that it was their equivalent of Priceline but filled with an array of products and brands I had never seen before! Needless to say I got just a bit excited and bought quite a few bits and pieces, two of which I will be talking about today.

Manhattan is a brand that is new to me but it was very affordable so I decided to pick up a few of their products and try them out. They remind me of L'Oreal and Maybelline because of the way the packaging looks.

Manhattan multi effect eyeshadow drugstore eyes pigmented pretty beautiful australian beauty review ausbeautyreview european cosmetics brand affordable swatch white satin carbon german makeup
I really love the huge choice of colours in the Manhattan range, along with the above colours I also picked up a light blue, dark green and a nude brown shade (I forgot to take a photo of them, sorry guys!)

If you are travelling to Germany and feel the need to try some new cosmetics then I highly recommend trying out Manhattan. Their eye shadows are buttery soft and beautifully pigmented. They are also very easy to work with and last all day without budging. Both of the shades above are quire shimmery but they do not have any glitter in them. I noticed that the range consisted of mainly shimmery shades but there were a handful of matte ones from what I remember. I didn't purchase any matte shades so I can't comment about their quality.

All of the products by the brand are very budget friendly and I think that each of these eye shadows set me back around  4.00 or  5.00 which is pretty good. 

Have you tried out any European brands that you would recommend for me to try next time I am there? I would love to hear your recommendations.

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