Friday 31 January 2014

Review of the Swisspers Facial Cleansing Wipes

Hi lovelies! Today I have a quick review for you on some new makeup removal wipes that I have been using lately. The thing that caught my eye about this product was the fact that it is unscented so it is suitable for my sensitive skin - that's pretty much the reason that I decided to try it out.

According to the packaging, this product is supposed to 'cleanse, tone and moisturise your skin' whilst removing all makeup. Even though this product seemed promising, I found the wipes bit too dry for my liking. Even the first /> few wipes from the packaging were quite dry and as a result didn't remove as much makeup as they might have if they had been more moist. As I used more wipes they tended to get drier and drier, so towards the end I had to wet them with water in order to get proper use out of them.

The wipes are not textured so they do not feel harsh against the skin. You also receive 25 wipes in a packet which is pretty normal for these types of products in my experience. They retail at $6.29 at my local Priceline so they are slightly cheaper than the Biore Daily Deep Pore Cleansing Wipes but not any better.

Do you use face wipes to remove your makeup? Let me know which ones you recommend for me to try next.

1 comment:

  1. I bought the swisspers naturals aloe facial cleansing wipes yesterday because i ran out of my favourites (act of desperation). hahaha if you've got sensitive skin, try out the wotnot wipes :) they're so soft and gentle on the skin <3


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