Monday 13 January 2014

Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser Review

Hi beauties, I hope that you have had a great weekend. Today is my first day of work for the year so I am excited but also a bit scared that I will arrive to a million emails to sort through - I hope that is not the case! I have really enjoyed my break and have done quite a bit of work on my wedding and on the blog. You may have noticed a few things have changed but it has mostly remained the same. I thought about going with a new blog template but I like the simple look of this one so I thought that I would keep it just a bit longer and tweak it rather than throwing it out for a brand new one.

Neutrogena naturals purifying facial cleanser australian beauty review ausbeautyreview blog blogger aussie natural organic sensitive clean beautiful skin care gentle ingredients wash impurities hypoallergenic

I have actually enjoyed using this cleanser as part of my beauty routine for the past few weeks but I have also started getting lots of breakouts so I am not sure why my skin is unhappy at the moment and I don't know if it is as a result of this cleanser or not. the breakouts started a week or so after I started using this product so I am starting to think that this is not the culprit.

Anyways, I like to see one of my favorite brands take the initiative to produce a naturally derived product.  On the back of the bottle there is an explanation about the ingredients and where they are derived which I thought was a nice touch.

I like the simple, semi translucent packaging so you can always see how much you have left. The bottle is also 177ml so it is well sized and will last a good while before you have to repurchase. I feel that the pump dispenses just a little too much product for my liking so I make sure that I don’t press it all the way down. I feel that this helps ensure that there is minimal product wastage. 

The cleanser itself is a clear gel which lathers nicely when it comes into contact with water. My skin feels squeaky clean after using this product but I have noticed that it also dries it out a little bit when I towel dry my face. 

The product has a pleasant, citrus and apple kind of scent which is not too overpowering. 

Overall, I think that this is an ok product by Neutrogena. I have tried several 'natural' cleansers and have yet to find one that I am happy with and does not dry out my skin. I would probably not repurchase this product and I am leaning towards not recommending it either. 

This product retails at $14.99 at my local Priceline.

Disclaimer: The Neutrogena cleanser was kindly sent to me for review as part of a trial team. I was not paid for my review nor am I affiliated with the company in any way. My 100% honest opinion, as always :)


  1. My boyfriend and I picked up this product a month or so ago. The first time I used it my face felt a bit sore afterwards but I ignored it. Over the weekend though my skin had a minor hissy fit and broke out in red. After looking at the product I realised there is a whole heap of coconut derivitives in there :( So this is now a boyfriend product haha. Love that they're trying harder on the natural side of things but unfortunately label checking is still a priority for me :( Lovely review. Hope this cleanser works better for you than for me x

  2. It's a shame it was drying to the skin! I always see this product when I'm shopping around Priceline, I'm a big fan of neutrogena cleansers but I'll stay away from trying this one out


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