Monday 6 January 2014

My 2014 Goals & Resolutions

Hi lovelies! I thought that it would be nice to start the new year by sharing some of my goals and resolutions that I've set myself. A new year is always a good time to 'start fresh' as they say and always gives me a boost of motivation that I need to get things done. This has been a habit I do every year and always set myself challenges for the year ahead so that way I have something to measure against when the year is over to see how I did.

1. Eat more meat 

This one is at the top of my list this year as it is something that I need to work hard towards. I have been a vegetarian as long as I can remember so this is a big deal for me. It all started last year (see my blog post here) where I set myself the goal to try eating a little bit of meat. Looking back now, I think that I did well with working towards that goal in 2013 because I now eat all chicken dishes that my fiance cooks for me without complaining. It helps that he is a great cook as well! I still have not ventured into trying to eat any other meats so a lot of my friends think that I am not progressing fast enough towards this goal but I am trying.

2. Make better food choices

This one is always on my list because I tend to binge eat once a month. I just can't help it! I have promised myself that this is something that I am going to conquer this year. Just because it is that time of month does not mean that I can eat a whole month's worth of calories in one week! 

3. Exercise

During the past 3 months, I have not exercised at all. This makes me pretty angry because I have been paying for a gym membership that whole time and we all know those are not cheap! No more making excuses because the only person I have to blame is myself. (I am actually scared to try my bridal gown because I have gained so much weight, I really don't want to have to buy another one so this is also my motivation to get back into shape ASAP!!!!)

4. Learn how to cook

This one one goes hand in hand with the 'Make better food choices' goal. There are many things that I know how to do, but I will be the first to admit that I am not a very good cook (let's just say that in my circle of friends, I am the worst cook!). I have purchased a few new cook books recently so I am excited to try some new cooking techniques and become a better cook overall.

5. Continue to enjoy blogging

Blogging is my avenue to talk about all the things that I am passionate about. It also helps me de-stress and get my mind of the stress of everyday life. I have gotten into a good routine over the past few months and I hope to continue that. 

So there's a few of my New Year's resolutions. I hope that you enjoyed reading them and if you have done a similar blog post please leave your link below as I would love to read it!


  1. YAY! Great goals :) In regards to eating more meat, I have never been vegetarian but I know some friends who struggle with red meat in particular. It's great that you're getting the chicken in though :)
    Oh, and I know about binging once a month. I need to reign that in, too! x

  2. Awesome goals :)

  3. great goals hun =)


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