Wednesday 13 November 2013

Review of the Rimmel BB Cream

I was very excited when I heard that Rimmel had released their very own version of a BB cream earlier this year so I could not wait to try it. I really love the idea behind this product and the fact that it contains a higher SPF than all other BB creams I have tried but I think that this product needs a bit of improvement.

The product comes in a super cute tube which is a convenient size to take with you on the go, it is also very affordable like other Rimmel products so that is always a huge plus (it retails at $12.95 at my local Priceline).

I found that this product gave fantastic coverage, almost like a foundation! Unlike some of my friends, I didn't notice it go orange during the day. The 'medium' shade suited my skin tone perfectly when I was wearing a tan. I found that the product didn't make me break out nor did it make my skin oilier than usual, but it did start to melt from my nose after a long day at the office which is not unusual for me.

The thing that I dislike about this product is the fact that it is very thick in consistency and seems to dry pretty much instantly on skin contact. As a result this product is incredibly hard to blend and it makes you appear as if you have uneven skin tone since you can't blend it properly. 

I noticed that if mixed a bit of moisturizer with the BB cream then I would get a consistency that I could work with easier and blend evenly onto the skin.

Overall I think that this product has the potential to be great if it had some improvements made to the formula. I love the fact that Rimmel have included a decent SPF sunscreen in their BB Cream and offers lots of extras that I have not seen in many other BB Creams on the market. 

Have you tried the Rimmel BB cream? What did you think?

Disclaimer: Rimmel BB Cream was kindly sent to me to try as part of a product trial team. I was not paid for my review nor am I affiliated with Rimmel in any way. This review was my 100% honest opinion, as always :)


  1. Hi Billi, I have bought this cream (before I found out that Rimmel test on animals) and I pretty much threw it in the bin after one use. I found it exactly as how you have described it, however it did also make me turn orange which didn't help my opinion of it! I guess that is always a risk that you run when choosing a product with such limited shade selection. Anyway, great review regardless, I always enjoy reading your reviews as they are very well written and unbiased.
    Thanks, Sarah :)

  2. What is the shade selection like? I always have the orange issue with BB creams, but I do like the idea that it gives a higher coverage and SPF.

    Jacqueline xx


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