Friday 29 November 2013

Pure Tan Instant Tanning Lotion Review

Hi lovelies! The weather has been so beautiful this week, I am so happy that summer is almost here (only a few more days to go!). As usual, I have been on the lookout for new tanning products so I recently picked up the Pure Tan Instant Tanning Lotion. It was 50% off in the recent Priceline catalogue so I could not resist getting a bottle to try.

Pure Tan instant tanning lotion review dark billi ausbeautyreview australian beauty review blog blogger aussie bronze brown tanned beach summer sexy cosmetics makeup body results picture legs
I have to admit that I had never heard of Pure Tan before the Priceline promotion caught my eye. After a little research, I discovered that Pure Tan is actually an Australian company and all their products are made locally and are cruelty free - I love it when I discover that a fabulous new product is locally made!

Since I have been using fake tanning products for so long, I thought it was time to move onto the serious stuff so I decided to buy the 'dark' rather than my usual 'light to medium' shade of tanner. I am so glad that I decided to venture into darker shades with Pure Tan as they really know how to make a quality product that does not turn you into an oompa-loompa (that title is reserved for L'oreal Sublimie which is the most orange tanner I have ever used!!)

I have had mixed results from cream based tanners as they always tend to streak so I was pretty worried before trying this product. Luckily for me, this product is fantastic and caused absolutely no streaking whatsoever!

The product comes as a chocolate brown lotion which smells great (fruity kind of scent). It is the perfect consistency as it is not too runny nor too thick so it is very easy to distribute and blend into the skin. I found that the product dried within a minute of application which is great because it gives you time to really blend the product nicely before it dries. According to the packaging, it is also enriched with moisturizers so it is meant to moisturize and condition the skin as it is applied.

The other great thing about this tanner is the fact that the lotion is coloured so not only can you see where you are applying the product (and any spots that you may have missed) but it also gives you instant results. According to the packaging, this product can be washed off after just one hour. However, the longer you keep the product on, the deeper your colour will be. The results from keeping the product on for 5 hours are shown in the above picture. 

Overall, I have been very impressed with this product and it has helped me overcome my fear and bad experiences with lotion based self tanners. If you are in the market for an awesomely dark tanning lotion then this product is for you! The product does not have that horrible fake tan smell and develops super fast into a beautiful, even tan.

The product comes in two shades 'light/medium' (white bottle) and 'dark' (black bottle) and retails for $29.99 at my local Priceline (although Priceline always has promotions so you are bound to find it on sale sometime in the near future). 

If you are looking for tips on how to get the perfect fake tan then check out my previous post on the topic, here.

Have you tried any Pure Tan products? What do you think of them?


  1. I love the sound of this! I NEED a coloured lotion otherwise I miss bits everywhere. I'm also now using dark shades and loving it! It's not as scary as you think is it :P

    Once you've finished that one up tried Bondi Sands Dark it's incredible! I think you'd really like it! Has an amazing coconut scent too :)

    Sarah | More Than Adored

  2. Yes I have the coconut oil loved the product but however the product does not last well in strong heat condition as it melted in my bathroom to a complete oil and spilt everywhere.


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