Friday 1 November 2013

Caron Bump Eraser Review

Hi lovelies! I hope that you are having a great week so far. Mine has been flat out but the weather is warming up so I am happy. One thing that comes with this warmer weather is the need to be hair free but the side effects of that are usually (for me anyways!) unsightly ingrown hairs. Luckily for me, I accidentally discovered an awesome product to combat and prevent those nasty ingrown hairs so I thought that I would do a review on it today.

Caron Laboratories bump eraser medi paste australian beauty review ausbeautyreview I stumbled upon this product as part of a beauty rewards program because I had leftover points that I wanted to use up. I am so glad that I randomly decided to get it because it has been the most effective product to combat ingrown hairs as compared with any other products that I have tried.

The product itself comes in a small 30 ml tube which actually lasts quite a while because you don't need a lot of this product in order to get results - I am glad about that because this little guy sets you back around $16.99 at Priceline. Like I said, a little goes a long way with this product so a bottle lasts me several months which is pretty good.

The medi paste is a thick cream with a similar consitency to toothpaste and it is very easy to distribute onto affected areas. It also smells like tea tree oil which I am not too fussed about - it is not the best scent in the world but I can deal with it. 

The product works within a day or two to help reduce the redness caused from shaving. It also works wonders in helping treat ingrown hairs around the bikini line. I like to use it after shaving or the day after waxing in order to help prevent ingrown hairs because the product has exfoliating properties which in turn ensure that hair penetrates the skin and doesn't evolve into an ingrown.

If you suffer from ingrown hairs then I highly recommend that you give this product a try.

Do you suffer from ingrown hairs? What is your go to product for treating them?

1 comment:

  1. I have the lotion version of this (much more runny), but I love it too. My beauty therapist recommended it after I couldn't banish ingrowns from my bikini line. This stuff is fantastic! x


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