Monday 25 November 2013

BYS Eyeliner Review

Hi lovelies, I hope you all had a great weekend just like I did. I had the best birthday ever and it is all thanks to my wonderful fiance and family. Instead of getting too carried away telling you all about my small birthday celebrations, I want to talk about the BYS liquid eyeliner

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This BYS liquid eyeliner was a spontaneous purchase from Kmart one day and given that it cost only $4.95 I am not too upset about it. When comparing BYS with other affordable brands such as Models Prefer from Priceline or Essence from Target, I have to say that I am disappointed with their quality because it seems that every BYS product that I have tried has been shockingly bad. 

This liquid eyeliner is just another BYS product that is just terrible. The colour in the packaging is beautiful but it does not apply like that at all. One coat of the product can barely be seen and you have to really layer it in order to get to show up (as you can see in the picture on the bottom left showing a comparison with one coat with 4 coats). 

Layering the product does not solve the problem as applying more product just removes the previous layer and you can never get an even finish with it. In your attempts to get an even application, you will then discover that the eyeliner flakes and you get teal coloured fallout! There is just no way around this really poor quality product so I would not recommend it to anyone. The applicator is plastic but it is relatively precise in applying the product so that is bearable. 

Overall, I have started to really dislike BYS products and will not be purchasing any more of them as they are simply a waste of my hard earned cash. There are many more affordable brands out there that provide much better quality and value for money than BYS. I hope that BYS improves the quality of their products as I don't know how anyone would want to purchase them after discovering how bad they are.

Have you tried any BYS products? What did you think of them?

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