Wednesday 16 October 2013

Review of the Revlon Illuminance Creme Eyeshadows

Hi Beauties! Sorry I have been away for the last week. Wedding planning is in full swing now and most of my free time has been taken up by that. Nonetheless, planning has been pretty fun and I finally feel like things are getting done. 

Before I get sidetracked talking about wedding stuff - (there will be a separate post dedicated to that!), I wanted to talk about the Revlon Illuminance Creme Eyeshadows. I have been planning on doing a review on these for a while now because they are just so versatile!

My favorite, out of the these palettes is '730 Skinlights' which contains the most beautiful neutral colours. This palette contains three shimmery shades and one matte beige colour.

The eyeshadows themselves are beautifully creamy and incredibly very easy to work with. A little goes a long way with them and they are buildable so you can amp up the colour intensity if you want. Just like most creamy eyeshadows, these will crease if you wear them on their own so I highly recommend that you set them with a translucent or similar coloured eyeshadow.

The reason that I like these creamy shadows so much is because they work so well as an eyeshadow base. They make any eyeshadow appear more vibrant and ensure that my eyeshadow stays in place all day without budging. I have been using them as a replacement for my Urban Decay primer potion and so far, I have been very happy with the results especially since you can buy these creamy eyeshadows in a whole range of different colours.

Overall, I think that if you are looking for a creamy eyeshadow to wear on its own then I would not recommend this product (the Maybelline Color Tattoos are a better alternative). However, if you are looking for an affordable base eyeshadow or a primer then I think that this product works really well for that. I bought mine at Priceline for around $26.95AU.

Do you like to wear creme based eyeshadows? What are some of your favorites?


  1. OMG I love these!! The shades are divine!!

    Following you on GFC & Bloglovin now, Will appreciate it if you can follow back too :)


    Red Alice

  2. Oh gosh. No offense but I wished I hadn't read this post! Now my wallet is gonna cry because I wanna buy Skinlights and Wild Orchid!! Thanks for the review, Billi. I wish they didn't crease. I'd love to wear them on their won. And congratz on getting engaged! :)

    Ty's Blog of Epiphanies


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