Monday 9 September 2013

Napoleon Madame Beyond Mascara

Hey everyone! I hope that you had a great weekend. Mine was great although I have no idea where it went because it finished in a flash and I have a mountain of stuff left to do. 

Anyhow, today I thought I would talk about one high end product which has left me so disappointed that I had to share it with you.

I have been a Napoleon Perdis fan for years so I didn't bother reading any reviews before purchasing the Madame Beyond mascara. I knew that he made some great products so I trusted that the mascaras would be fantastic as well - but boy was I wrong! This mascara was not only expensive (it set me back around $38 from David Jones) but it is no where near what I would expect from a high end mascara.

I think that the thing that really lets this mascara down is the formula. From the time when you first open this mascara, it is dry and hard to work with. There is nothing I dislike more than purchasing a new mascara that feels like it is 2 months old. Don't get me wrong, it is not as if the mascara has to be super wet when I first open the tube, but I also don't expect for it to be so dry that I have to apply 10 coats in order to get any noticeable results either.

If the formula was improved, this mascara would have potential to be a winner as the wand is great and easy to maneuver around to even the smallest lashes. This mascara is marketed to be a lengthening mascara but given the poor formula, it didn't work very well on me at all. It gave my lashes no definition, no volume and no length. It just left them messy looking and flakey.

Needless to say, I will not be buying any Napoleon Perdis mascaras any time in the near future. There are plenty of other brands that make mascaras that are a fraction of the price and work ten times better (like this one from Maybelline).

Have you tried any Napoleon Perdis mascaras? What did you think of them and were just as bad as this one?


  1. Aww damn that is such a shame that it didn't work out for you. I hate when you buy a mascara that feel so dry and old! I'm always hesitate to buy high end mascaras because I'm scared they won't perform well enough to justify the cost haha.

    Sarah | More Than Adored

  2. I've never tried Napolean Perdis mascaras. In fact, NP does not appeal to me much so I don't own anything from that brand. Thanks for the review, Billi!

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  4. I was talked into buying this mascara from DJ's. For some reason I went for this instead of my regular fave MAC. I found it terrible. Big waste of money too. I feel as though my lashes stuck together all day and oh how hard i tried to find that pesky lash that keeps sticking to the others. I feel that the packaging could have been a better colour too. It becomes pretty grotty looking. Out of 10 I give it a 2.


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