Tuesday 27 August 2013

Best natural alternative to treat pimples

Hey beatuties! Hope that you have all had a wonderful start to the week. Mine has been so flat out that I am up at 10pm trying to get some blogging done. This is my way of relaxing and I love it! Anyhoo, before I get sidetracked, today I wanted to talk about a product that has been working particularly well for me lately.

It might not seem like much when you first look at it, but Tea Tree oil has a million uses and one of them just happens to be that it is awesome at treating pimples. It is a natural antiseptic and you only need a tiny bit of it in order for it to work. 

As you guys already know, I am trying to incorporate more natural products into my daily routine and am starting to realize that they can be just as good as their other counterparts in the market. 

I have been fortunate enough not to suffer from acne but I do have my fair share of pimples once a month. I have found that tea tree oil works wonders in helping reduce pimples. I tend to put a little bit of the oil onto a cotton bud and dab it onto the pimple, repeating the process for a few nights and the pimple is dried out and gone! The oil has a rather strong scent but given how well it works, that doesn't bother me. 

The oil retails at around $6.00 at my local Woolworths and Priceline so it is not only effective but also very affordable. Unlike some other pimple creams that I have used, tea tree oil won't cause any discolour to your beautiful coloured sheets. Think about it, do you really want to apply something on your face that is strong enough to discolour fabric? That surely can't be good for you.

I highly recommend tea tree oil if you are looking for an alternative pimple treatment that works.

What natural products do you love to use?


  1. I can't agree more! Tea tree does wanders :) it's something I always go back to if I'm breaking out badly and it always works!

    Sarah | More Than Adored

  2. I have heard that Tea Tree Oil is great for acne. For $6 I am gonna give this a go! I love natural alternatives!

  3. Definitely going to have to pick this up to try!

  4. I love tea tree oil! It has so many uses. I've used it on my pimples before. It really dries it up. However, it does leave a burn mark behind and that spot of skin gets very dry.

    Ty's Blog of Epiphanies

  5. SO good to see Australian beauty gurus!


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