Friday 14 June 2013

Nail Polish of the Week: Australis Titania

Hey beauties, I hope that you have all had a wonderful week. I had the day off on Monday for WA day so my week has been short and sweet. So, what better way to end the week than to talk about one of my favorite nail polishes by Australis.

The colour pictured is "Titania" and I am wearing 2 coats with no top coat. As I have come to expect from Australis, this polish is great quality and has decent lasting power. I have been wearing it all week and have experienced minimal chipping. 

I think Australis has a winning formula in these nail polishes, it does not streak and it dries rather quickly as well. This product retails at $7.95 at my local Kmart so it is also very affordable and great value for money. I'm actually looking forward to adding a few more colours to my collection.


  1. I know what you mean. I get that happening with a lot of the red coloured nail polish no matter what brand. Since I have pretty weak nails, I always use a strenghtening undercoat like the OPI Nail Envy and find that prevents all staining. Hope that helps :-)

  2. that nail polish beautiful, its color is very beautiful

    Sofia Braga

  3. I love that color! And it has a nice shine without top coat!


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