Saturday 8 June 2013

200 Follower Giveaway

Hi Beauties! I am so excited that I recently reached 200 followers on this little blog. I know that for some people that doesn't seem like much but for me it is huge and I am so grateful for your support. To celebrate, I am holding a small giveaway to say thank you to my loyal readers.

  1. This giveaway is open internationally.

  2. Must be 16 or older to enter. If you are under 16 years of age, please get permission from your parents, as I will need your postal address if you're chosen as a winner.

  3. You can enter as many times as you like

  4. To enter, please correctly complete the form below

  5. Giveaway closes Sunday 23 June 2013 at 12 noon AEST.

  6. The winner will be announced on Monday 24 June 2013 on Twitter, Intagram and Facebook. Make sure you follow me so that you don't miss the announcement.

  7. The winner will have 48 hours to respond, if no response is received then a new winner will be chosen.
Best of luck to everyone!

Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any suggestions for products you would like to see featured on my next giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. TriedandTestedBlogger8 June 2013 at 18:19

    Congratulations on 200 followers! Very well deserved!

  2. Congtrats!!!

  3. Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter8 June 2013 at 19:02

    Great giveaway, but I wont enter as I already have both of these palettes (and love them!), but I just wanted to say congrats Billi on the 200+ followers - well done, it is well deserved!!!

  4. such a lovely giveaway and congrats!

  5. Congrats on 200 babe! xx

  6. Oh my...I love the Glam eyes and I ahve some in the other colours but was only looking at the green one at the Chemist at the begining of the week but as I was there picking up expensive medications for my daughter i put the eye shadow back....the greens look amazing.
    Huge Congrats on 200 followers :)

  7. Hoping to win. :)

  8. Laura Carneiro de Azevedo8 June 2013 at 23:24

    Thanks for this,

  9. solarride rivernik9 June 2013 at 07:23

    Congrats for 200 followers! Thank you for the chance :)

  10. Congrats to you on 200 followers- and I'm another new one! Looking forward to having a good look around :)
    Thanks for the chance to enter :)

  11. Congratulations on 200 followers!

    Lovely giveaway :)
    hope to win :) :)

  12. Awesome giveaway. Entered & fingers crossed :)

  13. Congrats for 200 followers! Thank you for the chance

  14. Congrats on reaching 200 followers! Thank you for the giveaway!

  15. Thanks for the giveaway - the petite floral earrings are just too cute! I MUST HAVE THEM!!! :)

  16. Congrats for the 200 followers!!

  17. How lovely to celebrate this event with such a wonderful giveaway!

    Congratulations, woohoo!

  18. Michelle Teixeira10 June 2013 at 15:06

    Yay! Congratulations on hitting 200! I can't express how cool this is into words.

  19. Thais Magalhães11 June 2013 at 01:21

    woooow love the prizes, thanks so much for the giveaway hun!

  20. Katerina Karagoceva11 June 2013 at 07:52

    Lovely prizes dear, may your blog grow to thousands of followers!

  21. Love the prizes you are offering

  22. Congrats on a big achievement. Love the prizes, especially the rimmel quad.

  23. Βαλεντινα Παπατσικουρα11 June 2013 at 16:25

    nice giveaway!

    gfc avapimou

    bloglovin Βαλεντινα Παπα

    fb Βαλεντινα Παπα

  24. Slađana Sušilović12 June 2013 at 00:15

    Congrats for the 200 followers!

  25. Congratulations! Thank you for the giveaway!

  26. Hayley Bannister13 June 2013 at 19:45

    congrats on the followers! what a lovely give away

  27. georgina davies14 June 2013 at 03:56

    Well done you 200! great giveaway glad it's international xxx

  28. Congrats on the 200 followers and soon many more :)

  29. Congrats on reaching 200 followers! Awesome giveaway too! (:

  30. Hello dear ..

    Congratulations on the blog he is magnificent ..

    GFC: Sofia Braga

    I leave here the name of Facebook and Bloglovin not given to put on the form

    Facebook friend: Sofia Braga

    Bloglovin: Cátia Braga


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as I often reply :) If you wish to ask me anything inparticular and want to guartuntee a quicker response then you can always tweet me (@Billi_Lilli) and send me an email! Thank you for all of your support xx