Monday 13 May 2013

Review of Nature's Care Paw Paw Lip Balm

Since the cooler weather has started, I have noticed that my lips have started getting dry. In order to combat this, I decided to try out Nature's Care Paw Paw lip balm. It only cost $3.50 at my local Priceline so I thought, why not give it a go.

As you can see from the pictures above, the product comes in a cute 10g tube which is the perfect size to take in your handbag. Besides the cute packaging, the thing that caught my eye about this product was the fact that it claims to be 'all natural and petrochemical free'.

To be honest, I thought that this product was going to be a copy of the Lucas Paw Paw Ointment but it is not. Unlike the Lucas Paw Paw, this product has an incredibly runny consistency so you have to be careful not to squeeze the tube too hard otherwise the product comes pouring out.

When I first started using the product the strong papaya scent bothered me but after using the product for a while I have found that it has grown on me. If you don't like strong smelling products then I would suggest that you give this one a miss.

Even though the product is super runny, I like the way that it feels on my lips and makes them look shiny. The only downside to this product is that it does not provide long term moisturising to your lips so you need to keep reapplying it every 5-10 minutes. I would prefer if it lasted longer as you can easily notice once the product has disappeared and you are left with chappy lips.

Overall, this is not a bad little product although I think that it could use a few improvements so I don't think that I will be repurchasing.

Have you tried any of the Nature's Care products? What did you think of them?


  1. I haven't tried any of Nature's care products so I was very interested to read about this.

    If you want a good natural Papaw balm you should try Nude by Nature Papaw ointment, it's my favourite, doesn't have a strong smell and moisturises wonderfully and I feel it's better than Lucas.

    Jac x0x

  2. I didn't like this because it was too watery and didn't smell nice. Good review! :)

  3. I never tried their products. Papaya must smell really good !

  4. Jordy's Beauty Spot14 May 2013 at 01:35

    I always thought it looked a lot like the Lucas' Paw Paw ointment but after hearing it's not as good, I will definitely be sticking to Lucas' one :)

  5. nice review will try it

  6. this product is good. it has healed the split on my top lip. However, since using this, i have broken out in tiny sores on my bottem lip. It has left my lips feeling crusty with bits of skin crumbling off around my sores.

  7. I agree that it doesn't last very long and this really annoys me. Not only that but even though it's meant to be oily on your lips, I just don't like the fact that after applying it, you just look like you've ate something oily and haven't wiped your lips. Definitely not repurchasing this item.

  8. Suvana papaw ointment was recommended on another site so I decided to try it & find it's much better than Lucas' - no petrochemicals & the smooth lip feeling lasts heaps longer. The texture also feels nicer. Haven't tried nature's care but given the reviews I think I'll stick with Suvana.


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