Wednesday 22 May 2013

Lush Lip Scrub Review

With the cooler weather fast approaching, I needed a product to help keep my lips in tip-top shape. I decided to purchase this Lush lip scrub as I had been lusting over it for some time and had heard some great reviews on it. 

This might come as a bit of a surprise but this is actually my very first Lush purchase. Even though I like the way their products smell, I have never been drawn to the brand because they are pretty pricey and I would much rather buy makeup instead. That's just me, though as I have plenty of friends that would highly disagree.

Using a lip scrub is a much gentler way of buffing your lips to get rid of dead skin than the old toothbrush trick. With a toothbrush, it is too easy to scrub away too much and end up peeling away new skin, making your lips sore and red. 

Firstly, I love the packaging of this product. Not only is it pink but it comes in a super cute little jar that contains just the right amount of product (25g to be exact). It retails at around $9.95 so it is a bit on the pricey side for something that you could easily make yourself, but given that it will last a while and if you are not much of a DIY kind of girl (like myself) then it is not too bad.

I absolutely love the sweet bubblegum scent of this product - it makes me look forward to using this product each week. The product itself is made out of sugar and works beautifully in getting rid of all the dead skin, leaving me with super soft lips. To use it, all you have to do is dip your finger into the pot (I have been advised that it is best to use a dry finger as the product will get hard if it gets wet), rub the sugar onto your lips with small circular motions and lick off the excess. The end result is lovely smooth and soft lips. An added bonus is that this product contains joboba oil and you can feel its benefits as soon as you wash off the scrub. Applying lip balm on just polished lips feels like heaven! 

Overall, I think that this is a nifty little product that I love to use whenever I have dry lips. It is a bit on the pricey side but other than that I think it works well and if I have the money to spare, I will probably be repurchasing it.

Have you tried any of the lip scrubs? What do you think of Lush in general?

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! Bubble gum, what a cute flavor/scent! Would love to try it!


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