Tuesday 28 May 2013

Babyliss Hot Rollers

Hey beauties! I hope that you are having a fabulous week so far. Mine got a whole lot better when I finally received news that I got an awesome new job. The interview process was so long and tedious but it was all worth it now that I am going to be moving to a larger company full of exciting opportunities. Anyways, before I go onto a tangent, I want to tell you about a fantastic product that I have loved using recently.

I have very thick hair that is hard to style and control so I avoid using a curling iron at all costs because it just takes hours to curl it all. Plus, my hair is naturally straight so getting a curl to hold for more than one hour is a task in itself.

Just like any other big purchase, I did quite a bit of research before deciding on getting these Bablyiss Pro Hot Rollers. I was looking for a product that was good quality and provided enough rollers to be able to cover all my thick hair. After searching around, I decided to buy mine from RY.com.au because it was the cheapest, selling them for $135.90 with free shipping (they were over $170 at my local Price Attack!). Even though I live on the other side of the country, the rollers arrived at my doorstep within a week of ordering and in perfect condition. 

There are so many things I love about these rollers:
  • the packaging is cute and functional. I like the fact that it can stand vertically and that the rollers come in pretty colours;
  • the set comes with 30 pieces and 4 different sizes so it is perfect to create any look that you are after even if you have thick hair like I do;
  • since the rollers are ionic, they are not as damaging on your hair as a curling iron; and
  • they come with a 12 month warranty for piece of mind. 
One downside to this product is the fact that it only came with 15 butterfly clips when there are 30 rollers in the set. I actually emailed the RY website to ask about that before buying this product so it did not come as a surprise to me when I received it, but it is something to keep in mind if you are thinking of buying this set. I don't think that the butterfly clips that come with the set are that great so I actually prefer the 15 clips that I purchased separately (the black clips in the above picture are the ones that come with the set).

This set contains two heat settings and it takes the rollers a good 15 minutes to warm up. Curling my hair no longer takes hours in front of the mirror! It now takes only around 5 to 10 minutes to put all the rollers in my hair and then after around 30 minutes they are ready to be taken out. It is such a great multitasking product because during the 30 minutes of waiting time, I can do my makeup and get ready. Even with my difficult straight hair, the curls hold all day and sometimes even a few days depending on how much hairspray I use on them.

I actually prefer using rollers on my hair because I think that they cause less damage on my hair than a conventional curling iron so I think that is a definite plus.

Overall, I absolutely love these rollers and I think that they are worth the investment. I have had mine for over 6 months now and they work just as well as when I first purchased them. They are so easy to use and a fantastic time saver especially if you have thick hair.


  1. I tried to curl my hair with a curling iron, but it doesn't work very well. So I think that rollers are a great alternative.

  2. Emma Odette Barnett29 May 2013 at 19:05


  3. Отличный результат, ваши волосы выглядят отлично.

  4. I have this hot roller set on my wish list! You look gorgeous by the way. :)



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