Tuesday 26 March 2013

Review of Real Techniques Brushes

Hey beauties

I know that it has been a couple of weeks since we last spoke but I hope to make it up to you by getting back on track this week. I won't bore you with excuses as to why I didn't have time to blog (all wedding related) rather, I will get straight into it.

The most common question that I get asked as a professional makeup artist is about where you can buy affordable makeup brushes without sacrificing quality. That's what today's blog post is going to be about. I will be doing a review of my favorite, budget friendly makeup brushes.

I first found out about Real Techniques brushes on YouTube when I was watching some of Samantha Chapman's videos (she is well known by her YouTube user name PixiWoo). The more YouTube videos I watched, I noticed that so many girls were talking about Real Techniques brushes and how good they are. There is nothing better than watching or reading a review on a product written by an everyday girl, to help me decide whether to spend my hard earned cash on a product.

I think that Real Techniques brushes compared to other 'affordable' brushes that I have purchased - such as the Sigma, make me blush kit, these are 100 times better! 

The thing that I love about these brushes is that they are dense but they do not shed any hair. These brushes also do not bleed any colour when you wash them or when you use liquid products with them. These two things are usually the most important to me when purchasing cheap brushes because they annoy me the most when I'm trying to apply my makeup. Other great things about the brushes is that they are super soft and they have synthetic fibers so they are 100% cruelty free.

Just like with any product, there is one thing that can be improved with these brushes. I personally don't like the fact that they are quite wide at the base of the brush so they can stand up on their own. Even though this might seem like a great idea to some, for a makeup artist like myself I find them a bit of a hassle to store in my kit because of that. I would prefer if they had a straight handle. Other than that one small thing, which I can live with, these brushes are amazing!

Finally, these brushes are not only fantastic quality but they are also very affordable. In Australia, they are available at Priceline although I would personally not recommend that you purchase them from Priceline unless they have a sale because they are more than double the price than anywhere else in the world! In order to save money, I purchased my brushes from iHerb.com which is a website I heard good reviews about on an Australian beauty forum. If you are looking for a good website to buy these brushes then I would recommend iHerb because my order was shipped the day after I ordered it and arrived approximately 2.5 weeks later. Given the fact that I saved so much by purchasing online, the waiting time didn't bother me. My brushes were nicely packed and nothing was broken when it arrived.

Have you tried Real Techniques brushes, what did you think of them? Are there any other affordable makeup brushes that you recommend for me to try?


  1. I adore the RT brushes I pretty much own them all! Love love love :)

  2. fabulous! i love i herb to! these brushes a def a fav of mine xxxx

  3. I have a few of the Real Techniques brushes and I love the fine liner brush and the blush brush. I haven't tried any of the pre made sets though. I do also like Ecotools blush brush and kabuki brush. If a brush sheds after the first few washes, I just give up on it and move on. So, when a more affordable brush passes that test, I tend to use it regularly.

  4. I was just wondering- I'm thinking of purchasing these brushes from iherb. However, the more expensive tracked post option won't send them to po boxes (which I have). Did you use this option or the cheaper option, which doesn't have tracking? Thanks

  5. Hey guys, iherb have 20% off Real Techniques until May 1, plus you can get another $5-10 off with code CSQ006. You can get shipping for only $4 too <3

  6. Lovely review. I am following you.
    I love them!!! I got my Real Techniques brush sets from iHerb.com and used a discount code and got free shipping! You can use discount code QIH951 (no expiration!) and get $10 off your entire purchase!=)

  7. Great review! just followed :)
    But I was wondering what the purple brush second from the left was called?

  8. HI Billi, great review!
    Just wondering which you would recommend for a contouring brush. I have searched far and wide and am yet to find a half decent contour brush

  9. The contour brush that comes in the core collection of the Real Techniques brushes are amazing! I buy mine off the american Real Techniques site and get it shipped to Australia as it is so much cheaper than buying it in store or on the Australian website :)


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