Wednesday 13 February 2013

Most orange tanner yet?

If you have been following my blog for a while, you already know how much I love my fake tan products. 

Finding that perfect fake tanner product is a constant process of trial and error. This latest product that I purchased has been so bad that I had to share it with you guys so that no one else is caught out looking like an oompa loompa.

I have usually had good experiences with L'Oreal products so I purchased this when I saw it was on sale. I really wish that I had read some reviews on the L'Oreal Sublime Bronze tinted self-tanning lotion before I purchased it because this has to be the most orange fake tanner that I have ever used! 

There are so many things I really dislike about this product, that I don't know where to start in listing them all. So, here is a short version of the list: 
  • it turns out orange - no bronze hues here; 
  • it is extremely streaky;
  • has the usual and unpleasant fake tan scent; and 
  • rubs off on your clothes. 
If you are looking for a self tanner, I would recommend that you avoid this one no matter how cheap it is. There is nothing worse than looking like an oompa loompa for a week - I did, and it was not fun!

Have you ever used a fake tanner that made you look like a walking orange? Let me know so I can avoid another tanning disaster.


  1. Yuck! It just LOOKS terrible! I've been pretty lucky in my fake tanners - my current favourite is Bondi Tan, it's definitely not orange! x

  2. Eek I tried this many year's ago or something very similar by L'Oreal and it had the same effect so I've not been daring enough to try another product in their self-tanning range. I recommend the Trilogy Self-Tan or the St. Moritz which are not only affordable but they don't have that biscuity, self-tan fake scent that smells disgusting, I also like the Le Tan one but I'm using the Trilogy atm and really like it. 


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