Thursday 3 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you have a fantastic year ahead.

I have been enjoying reading  posts about new year’s resolutions on other blogs so I thought that I would share mine with you today.

Here is my list of the things that I want to achieve in 2013

  1. Exercise at least 3 times a week – This one is number one on my list this year especially because I have an office job and don’t really move around a whole lot during the day.

  2. (Try) become a meat eater – I have been a vegetarian my entire life so this one is going to be my biggest challenge this year. My doctor has told me that I need to incorporate more protein and iron rich foods into my diet so eating meat seems to be the best way to be healthy and get balance in my diet. I will start with small steps with this one as I don’t expect to be able to eat a whole piece of steak straight away.

  3. Make more time for my friends and family – I feel that 2012 passed by so fast and that I have lost touch with a few people. This year I want to make sure that I make an effort to spend more time with the people I love.

  4. Get into a routine to blog – I feel that I need to do this because this is a hobby that I love and want to make sure that I stay on track with regular posts for my lovely readers.

  5. Save money – I felt that this goal was necessary this year because not only do I always HAVE to purchase a beauty related product every time I go near Priceline but I already have a mountain of unused products in my beauty cupboard! I think I could save quite a bit of money if I actually started using up the products I already own instead of constantly buying new ones. Oh and according to my friends, weddings are expensive so I am going to need to save up as much as possible this year.

There you have it, that was my list of the things I want to achieve in 2013. My new year’s resolutions are usually “to lose 10kg” by the end of the year and that never happens, so I thought that these new goals will be better in the long run.

Did you set yourself some goals for 2013? If so, what were they?


  1. Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter3 January 2013 at 17:34

    Great resolutions, and good luck with the meat!!
    I dont usually make any resolutions, as I can never keep them....but this year I would like to try to drink some more water, exercise a little more, and try to eat more veggies.... and be a little more experimental trying new recipies..

  2. I like reading new year's resolutions. >.<
    Good luck  with them !

    For 2013, I'd like to learn how to cook well, to be better organized for school and... to enjoy everyday ! ^^

  3. solarride rivernik5 January 2013 at 04:26

    I got the same resolution as yours. It's the exercise 3 times a week. I hope I didn't fail this year.
    Exercise can be so boring *sob*

  4. InĂªs Domingues14 January 2013 at 05:03

    Happy 2013!


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