Wednesday 6 June 2012

John Frieda Precision Foam Colour

Last week I had the opportunity to try the John Frieda Precision Foam Hair Colour so I thought that I would write a review to share my thoughts.

Even though I colour my hair on a regular basis, I have never actually tried a foam hair colouring product. First of all, I must admit that I was concerned that one box would not cover my thick locks and that it would turn out patchy.

So even though I had my doubts at first, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this product was to use. In the box you receive everything you need to get the job done perfectly at home. Unlike some of the other DIY hair colours I have purchased in the past, this one actually came with proper gloves and not cut-outs from a plastic bag - you know the ones I'm talking about?

The instructions were clearly set out and easy to follow. All you need to do is pour the colour into the developer, tilt it a few times to mix (no shaking required) and you’re ready to go. The applicator bottle doesn’t have a pump but that doesn’t matter because the foam comes out easily when you gently squeeze the bottle.

I was pleasantly surprised at how this product caused no mess and didn’t drip. Of course I didn’t know this before I started colouring so I wore my daggy old shirt dedicated for colouring my hair – hence why I am so stylish in the pictures.

The colour I used is 8A Medium Ash Blonde. As you will see from the pictures below, my hair was originally a light ash blonde which was lighter at the ends but darker at my roots. I took the before picture at night so the lighting is not the best at showing this but you will get the idea if you see my hair in my previous video. This product did a good job at evening out my hair colour with a lovely natural looking result and it was not patchy at all.

The only thing that I was disappointed with was that it didn’t cover any of the dark golden tones from the inner layers of my hair. I expected that this product would at least partially cover these because, to me, they appear to be within the recommended hair colour for use of this product shown on the side of the box. Unfortunately this product wasn’t strong enough to cover these annoying golden tones even though I left it on my hair for the maximum 30 minutes.

Overall, I really love the natural colour which I obtained from this product. I felt that using this product did less damage to my hair than conventional hair colours because my head didn’t feel tingly or itchy while I was waiting for the colour to develop. To my surprise, my hair felt super soft after washing the product out of my hair and this was before I applied the conditioner! I love how soft and silky my hair felt after using this product and the conditioner is great in helping you maintain the colour because it is big enough to be used around 3 to 4 times after colouring.

I will probably purchase this product again if I need to even out my hair colour and make it a shade or two darker. I think it is great value for money as one box covered my thick hair and I even had a bit left over to apply for a second time on some areas.

Have you tried any foam hair colour products? What did you think of them?

Disclaimer: The John Frieda Hair Colour was kindly sent to me for review as part of a trial team. I was not paid for my review nor am I affiliated with the company in any way. My 100% honest opinion, as always :)


  1. Looking good, Billi! :)

  2. Hello there Billi. I just want to confirm if this foam coloring was strong or chemically safe for he skin and hair scalp. It was very convenient the way it was applied and so on. Everything was handled much more easier than I expected.

  3. I've tried this product too and I loved it! I especially love the generous sized conditioner it came with. I've also tried the L'oreal sublime mousse, but I like the John Frieda slightly more.

  4. Do you recommend this dye for darker hair?


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