Tuesday 29 May 2012

Nail polish of the week: Orly Opal Hope

The last time I did one of these posts was way back when I first started my little blog and had a fully functional computer. That feels like ages ago! A few months and 2 computers later, I have a new nailpolish of the week just for you.

Today's nail polish was an impulse buy from my local Priceline on the day I discovered that they stocked Orly. I never usually buy higher end nail polish so I thought I might get this one as it was on sale for $5.00 and the colour was oh-so-lovely!

The shade which I got is called Opal Hope and is a beautiful pink with a blue shine. The colour stays true to its name and reminds me of an opal.

Although I adore this colour, the nail polish has already started to chip on one of my nails after 3 days of wear. Given that it cost slightly more than my usual $2 NYC and Ulta 3 nail polish, I don't really mind that it chips fast but if I had paid more for it then I would have been disappointed.

This nail polish is quite runny so it goes on very sheer on your nails. You need at least 2 coats in order for it to show up properly. In the photo I am wearing 3 coats of this polish with no top coat. 

This is my very first Orly purchase and so far I haven't been overly impressed with the quality. Given that I have watched a lot of good reviews about Orly nail polishes, I will probably purchase them again to see what their other formulas are like.

Have you tried Orly nail polish? What did you think of it?


  1. Wow, it's such a gorgeous colour! xx

  2. I love the colour, but I've also found that Orly polishes are a bit of a one-day wonder. I can't get two days out of a mani without the tips chipping!

  3. Yea I find that a lot of nail polishes are like that. I am yet to find one that will last me a full week without chipping


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